Sunday, November 30, 2008
Day 18 Update - 30NOV08

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Day 17 Update - 29NOV08

Jarrod and I are going to be bachelors for a while it seems. He has school on Monday and I have to work. Renee will stay with Josh, we miss them...
Friday, November 28, 2008
Day 16 Update - 28NOV08

Talking with Larry
PET Scan
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Day 15 Update - 27NOV08

Thanksgiving Dinner

Josh was thankful that Father John could join us this year for dinner.

Our wonderful cook and her helper.

Jarrod, Avery, Cameron, and Taylor.

Food for miles!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Day 14 Update - 26NOV08

Jarrod and Josh having fun.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Day 13 Update - 25NOV08

We are hopeful that his white count will have begun to climb back up in time for Thanksgiving dinner. It needs to be above 500 for him to be at a reduced risk for infection.
The first and second day of a chemo treatment seem to be his worst, heavy fatigue, etc... by the third day, today, he is back to his old self. He does seem to tire out much more quickly than before but I guess that is to be expected.
Renee got Joshua all caught up on your comments this evening, please keep them coming he hears each and every one.
Day 12 Update - 24NOV08

Josh is still at home with us! We went to the hospital today so Joshua could get labs done. His current white blood cell count is 185 (normal is between 5000-10,000) so we are still on major germ warfare patrol.
Every time Joshua gets a test or procedure done he receives a Bravery Bead at the hospital, today he got to catch up for the last 12 days. He has 26 so far. It is hard to believe that so much has happened in such a short period of time. Joshua's spirits are still good and he is always hungry, a result of the steroids he is taking. So we seem to constantly be in the kitchen :)
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Day 11 Update
Josh continues to do well at home. Uncle Scott, Aunt Alecia, Taylor and Avery came by this morning to visit. Josh always loves hanging out with cousin Taylor! Later in the day Mrs. O'Neill, his first grade teacher, came over. She brought a huge stack of cards and drawings from his classmates. It was really special, Josh enjoyed reading all of the cards himself. Our home health nurse also stopped by to check on Josh and teach Mom and Dad how to take care of his PICC line. We go back to the hospital tomorrow for labs, but we do not have to stay. The weather here continues to be beautiful and it helps brighten all of our spirits. Last night was the first time in 10 days that our entire family has slept under the same roof. It felt good to have everyone so close.
Mission Remission
Josh's teacher Mrs. O'neill came to visit
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Christian and Jamie

Day 10 22NOV08 Going Home!
Josh is doing good today, he had another round of chemotherapy before lunch and did well. The Doctors said we could take him home for a while and at 1:30 pm we did just that. It was great to finally leave the hospital and it is the first time Joshua has been in the sun since he went into the hospital. He slept most of the way home (the chemo makes him really tired). We are thrilled and scared at the same time, thrilled that he is with us at home again, scared because we do not want him to get sick and have to go back to the hospital. Lee went to the grocery store and stocked up on hand sanitizer (inside stock tip... buy shares now...) I think he will be buying a lot more. Josh has spent the evening resting, playing his new Life game with his brother and he even got a home cooked meal and a bath! The rest of us are pretty worn out, it has been a long 10 days. Hopefully we can all get a good nights rest and feel fresher tomorrow. Brandon (Josh's older brother) had to leave tonight to go back to work in Augusta Georgia where he is a police officer. Josh really enjoyed seeing him and we will all miss him.
Josh and Frank having a visit.
Joshua's View
The St. Josephs TCE
Jarrod in the snack bar

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