Saturday, February 27, 2010

Turkey soup… Day 471 27FEB10

Today was a day of turkey soup, playing outside, art time, dinner, and curling with hockey for dessert. Renee made her wonderful turkey soup for lunch today which was perfect considering the morning started off cold and rainy.

The weather finally broke and the sun came out so the boys headed outside to play. Renee's mom came over and between the two of them and the kids they painted 24 wine glasses for a fund raising event for the Children's Cancer Center. After a little relaxing time Renee jumped back into the kitchen and made sweet potato casserole and some brownies to take to her parents for dinner. It was yummy. We settled in to watch the gold medal curling game and then headed home for the night so the kids could get to bed and we can watch the next to last olympic hockey game.

Joshua was excited about showing off his latest LEGO creation, Luke's speeder from the first movie. He did a great job building it and then explaining all the features to me in great detail.

1 comment:

Jamie(Sister) said...

Awesome!!! Moms Turkey soup is really really good! =)
Glad to hear everyone had a good day. =)

I love your new Lego creations Joshy!! You do amazing at building things out of your old legos. =)
Miss you tons and see you soon k love bug.