Monday, July 19, 2010

It figures… Day 613 19JUL10

We all got up early this morning to get ready to leave. Jarrod started the advanced LEGO Mindstorm camp this morning and Joshua had clinic. We dropped Jarrod off and headed for the hospital. While we waited for Joshua's counts to come back Renee walked over and got her meds for the thyroid scan she was going to get later in the day. Joshua plated with his friends in the waiting room.

Joshua's ANC came back at 510.

The day after we took him to the Wonderful World of Germs.

It figures.

He is all set to go to Camp Boggy Creek in a week and now we get to worry for a few days and keep an eye on him. Not that we don't constantly fret over ever cough over sneeze already, we are just going to have to step it up :) His other lab results indicate he is rising back up again so we will keep all our fingers crossed. He deserves to go to camp this summer.

Renee's scans went good and we will have results in a few days. Jarrod had a wonderful day at camp and he and his partner worked well together. Tomorrow they will start solving daily challenges with the robot. He is really looking forward to that. Thanks to lots of great friends and family his very one Mindstorm Robot should join our family on Wednesday. I wonder if he can program the robot to make oatmeal scotches?


Laura and Frank said...

Can Jarrod program it to make sushi? I'm so excited he will have his own Mindstorm and is able to take the advanced class. Joshua fingers and toes crossed that your numbers stay up and rise so you may go th Camp Boggy Creek.

Love, Laura & Frank

Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

I've got everything crossed that you get to go to camp.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
