Joshua and Jarrod have been waiting for today since this time last year. Today was the carving of the pumpkins for Halloween. Joshua started off doing his first while Jarrod finished up some school work. I got him set up on the back porch and he went to town on his pumpkin. According to him his favorite part is cleaning out the stuff from the inside. He did a great job carving it all by himself. Jarrod was up next and together we designed his pumpkin from scratch. He cut it out and has decided to name it Dag-gum which we all thought was pretty funny. The weather was perfect for carving pumpkins and we all enjoyed the time outside.
This is Jarrod's.
This is Joshua's.
After dinner the boys and I decided to take advantage of the temps and get in our inaugural golf course walk for autumn. We kept it relatively short so we could get back to watch the finish of the Lightning game. Unfortunately they lost, but we still had fun watching. Tomorrow is back to clinic and the start of a new school and work week for all of us.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Awesome pumkin'! I think cleaning out the inside is the 'fun' part too.
Jarrod, you are so talented and creative - you have your Mom's art genes.
Hope clinic is a breeze with good results.
Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Wow! Did you roast the pumpkin seeds? That can get quite messy but it's fun! I love the pumpkins and you both did a great job. It's nice to have those traditions in your family. Hope clinic goes well.
Love, Miss Laura & Frank
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