Friday, November 12, 2010

We made it to camp!! Day 729 12NOV10

Joshua did great with his IVIG treatment this morning. As he was finishing up his teacher arrived and he got started with his school work. I arrived home from work and we got packed up and ready to leave for camp. We had a nice drive and arrived at camp just after dark. We were happy to learn that our cabin mates would be our good friends the Cavanaughs. Camp has been wonderful so far and we are all looking forward to a day filled with great activities tomorrow. The boys are both thrilled that we finally made it to Boggy Creek!


Laura and Frank said...

So glad you made it to Boggy Creek! Have a wonderful, relaxing, fun filled weekend.
Love, Laura and Frank

Ann said...

That is so cool to be bunk mates with friends.I am very glad that you all finally made it to Boggy Creek this year.Have the best of fun!