Monday, March 28, 2011

Overcast… Day 864 28MAR11

Today was one of those bleak rainy and overcast days. God knows we need the rain. It looks like we have been trimming our grass with a flamethrower. Joshua headed off into the drizzle this morning for clinic and his ortho visit. Clinic went fine and his ANC is over 5000 which tells us he is working to heal his ankle. The ortho said he has a mid-ankle sprain that is not too severe but he had him put in a hard cast for four weeks. Joshua picked blue because it is the team color of the Lightning. He will still need the crutches most of the time because his foot was cast at less than 90 degrees due to the tightening of his tendons from the vincristine. He can walk but it is kind of a mix of Quasimodo and Donald Duck ;-)

After they were all done Renee and the boys headed for home. I understand they took advantage of the rainy day and just relaxed after they got their school work finished. I made it home a bit early and got to spend a little time with everyone before they headed off for bed. As to the weather… Let it rain, we need it.


Jamie(Sister) said...

Yes rain all week long.
At least the cast is only for 4 weeks and not 4 months bug. :-) Glad to hear that your Ankle isn't to severe Joshy. Hopefully with the 90 degree of your cast it will loosen some of that tightness. Allie and I will have to do our girly signing on it ;-). A lazy and rainy those every once in awhile. Well we love you and will see you soon!! Oh and I would of thought you'd pick red for the color of your cast since its your favorite color but hey Blue for the Lightning is a great color too. ;-)


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Sorry to hear you will be stuck in a cast but glad to know it will help you heal better.

Celebrate the rain so your Dad can get rid of the flamethrower and to back to pushing the lawnmower.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
