Friday, April 1, 2011

No fools here… Day 868 01APR11

Joshua had a great school day with his teacher and spent he whole time focused on math. He is preparing for his upcoming FCAT tests in two weeks time. It just so happens that the testing will hit during one of his tougher chemo weeks but we are confident he will do fine. The rest of his day was spent wishing that he could somehow speed up time so that his party could happen sooner. Ahh, the unshakeable patience of an eight year old ;)

The weather cleared off nicely and although I saw lots of downed trees and damaged buildings on my drive in to work our immediate area seems to have escaped harm. Maybe I should quit wishing for rain…


Jamie(Sister) said...

You and Jarrod didn't try Fooling mom and dad?? :-)
Oh I hated FCAT! it's a big pain in the butt. But it has to be done Love bug and I know you'll do great even if its during one of your bad weeks. :-( You always seem to keep you head up and smile through your bad days ;-) You are my AWESOME and STRONG little Brother!!! :-)
Party time is coming up fast!! I know you are anxious and itching for Sunday to come! Hey thats tomorrow!!! Whoo hoo it's going to be a great Lego party Joshy!!! Can't wait
Well Allie and I will be over sometime today!! Love you


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Countdown to party time! Wish I could be there to help you celebrate.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Laura and Frank said...

another birthday already! wow! they just keep on coming along. the pics are fantastic! I know you will have an awesome time. Love to all. Miss Laura & Frank