Monday, May 9, 2011

Start of a long week… Day 906 09MAY11

Joshua had a long day at the clinic starting early this morning. His ANC is a little high at 4704 and he is still battling a cough. He got his port accessed and then the waiting began for vincristine and the pentam treatment he was due. The doctor took a look at his foot and has ordered a bone density scan as soon as his cast comes of so we can get a baseline and see if his bones are weaker than they should be. They can't give him any supplements to help with the calcium loss because they negate the chemo drugs so we will have to wait until he is off of treatment next year. After they got all finished up Renee and the boys headed home to get his steroids started and get going on school work. The school year is drawing to a close and both the boys have just a little bit more work to get done. The rest of the day passed with only a few squabbles amongst the brothers and they were watching a movie together when I got home tonight. Another week of steroids means a chance that the monster might visit, I am hoping that he stays asleep the whole time :)

1 comment:

Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Your ANC sure is on a yo-yo ride. Sorry to hear this is such a heavy week for drugs. Just wish it was all over and long forgotten.

And, oh yes, sleep little Monster, sleep.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
