Thursday, September 1, 2011

Yard work and school… Day 1019 31AUG11

Joshua had a pretty good day after waking up a little achy. He said he felt better by later in the morning and he kept on feeling good for the rest of the day. Renee got us a little closer to getting all of Joshua's school stuff in place and we are hopeful that it will all be resolved by the end of the week.

Jarrod and Joshua got the yard taken care of together this afternoon with Jarrod running the mower and Joshua providing support services. I am loving the concept of getting some relief from being the yard guy for a bit :)

The boys also got some playtime in outside later in the evening after it cooled down a little bit. I understand that they had a fun day together. Nice to see them spending time together having fun.

1 comment:

Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Glad to hear the achy feelings are leaving.

Here's hoping Mom is able to pull off getting your school stuff pronto quicko.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
