Wednesday, March 7, 2012

School with dad for a bit… Day 1207 07MAR12

Renee got Joshua started on school this morning and then passed the baton to me as she had a parent's advisory board meeting at the hospital. Joshua and I worked on his school stuff until he was finished and had a pretty good time at it. After a bit of a break Joshua wanted to go out and practice some hockey skills so we grabbed our skates and sticks and headed out into the street. He did really well, we are working on his wrist shot and he can really get it moving pretty quickly.

 Renee got home a short while later and we all took a little break unit it was time to get dinner going. It was taco night which is one of Joshua's favorites and I got to add in fish tacos for me and Renee… yummy! The rest of the evening was pretty standard and after relaxing a bit it was off to the showers and then bed. Tomorrow we start our 3 day countdown to the end of chemo!!


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Sounds like you all had a pretty normal and routine day. I like that kind of news.

I like even better that you are now on the three day countdown. It can't get here soon enough to suit.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Ann Sanders said...

Hurray! I am so glad to hear about the count down.