Joshua was diagnosed with T Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on 14NOV08. This blog is a way for Joshua to share his battle plans with all of his friends. We will try and keep it updated as much as we can. Please feel free to leave comments, pictures, etc... all of Joshua's hospital locations have internet access and he will read them as often as he can. Thank You to everyone for all of their thoughts and prayers! Keep them coming!
i love these pictures!!! i love the one of you mom and dad!! and the one of you jarrod and dad at the manattee center!! =) I have only been there once. you have to take me again some time and show me all the cool manatees!! I am so happy to hear you having another good day and you got to go outside!!! I love it that you are having soooo many good days and no fevers nothing bad!!!! =) THAT MAKES ME VERY HAPPY MONKEY BUTT!!! AND DAY 29 AND YOU ARE IMPROVING EVERYDAY AND YOU ARE NOT LETTING LIKE LEUKEMIA BRING YOU DOWN OR MAKE YOU SAD!! YOU ARE FIGHTING THIS ALL THE WAY AND I LOVE YOU AND GUESS WHAT!... I LOOK UP TO YOU. YEP I SURE DO MONKEY YOU ARE PROOF THAT NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENDS IN LIFE GOOD OR BAD YOU ALWAYS STAY POSITIVE AND STAY HAPPY AND IN THIS CASE KEEP FIGHTING AND DO NOT LET IT GET YOU DOWN!!! =) I LOVE YOU FOR THAT SO MUCH JOSHUA YOU HAVE NO IDEA!! =) I COULDNT BE MORE PROUD OF YOU! AND COULDNT BE MORE PROUD OF MOM DAD AND JARROD FOR DOING SUCH A GREAT JOB WITH ALL OF THIS AND BEING SOOOO STRONG!!!!! =) SEE YOU SATURDAY MONKEY!!!
The Gandy family at their best - near the water, if not in it! I have got to go see the manatees. You'll have to tell me and Frank how to get there. That would be a lot of fun. I'm just so happy that you are doing so well:)
Love, miss Laura
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
What a great day for you. I'm glad you got to visit the Manatee Center - they are the most amazing and loving creatures. I really look forward to visiting some time and seeing them.
Tell your Mom and Dad I love the pictures they are posting. It's almost like being there.
Have a fabulous day Josh and keep up the good fight.
Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Gramma Linda
Hayden has been bugging me to take him to see the manatees, and as soon as he sees that you went, then he'll REALLY want to go! Glad you got to get out for a while. Fresh air does you good! Take care!
Scarlett Truong (Hayden's mom)
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