Joshua getting ready to make his mask.

Molding the mask.

All done!
Joshua went to the Hospital today and got a spinal tap and chemo. He also did the prep work for his radiation treatments which will begin next monday. They made a custom mask for Joshua's head, which he will get to keep after the treatments are done (he is very excited about this). Josh got a CT scan and a custom body sled as well. We were back home early this afternoon and spent the day playing and resting. Josh did very well with all of the treatments and procedures and hopefully will not run another fever from the meds.
DAY 47!! WHOO HOO MONKEY!! You did great! I am sooo proud of you. and that mask looks awesome. you gotta show it to me when you are all done! you looked like you were enjoying the mask making there. =) i know you will do great with radiation!! you always do great with all of your tests and exams monkey butt. i am glad you made it home safe and sound today. =) we will see you soon k. I LOVE YOU ! keep kicking butt you are doing AWESOME!!
All right! Spider Man is gonna have some competition with that mask - that looks so cool! You are being a great warrior in this fight:) We are so glad you are home today and hope that nasty fever stuff doesn't happen again.
Love you, Laura & Frank
I can't wait to see the mask.
Ari and I put a Lake Huron wishing stone next to the computer. We'll make lots of wishes on it for you.
Your Cousins
I stop in every now and again, just to see how you are doing.I am Jen's mom,and also a cancer survivor. I sure can remember the chemo days.Yuk!! So glad that you are kickin' the big C's butt.You (and your Mom and Dad) are in my thoughts and prayers.Do rest, it can sap your strength.Bless you Joshua.
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