Jarrod had another fun filled day in robotics land which included a maze challenge and his favorite activity so far, a field trip to a local company that uses lots of robots. They have two printing presses as well that are one of a kind and were especially manufactured just for them. He really liked the company visit and told me he would love to work there someday. Tomorrow they get to work with making the robots produce sound.
This evening Renee and the boys attended a special event at the Tampa Tribune for the LLS TNT (Team in Training). Joshua was chosen as their Honored Team member and Renee got up and shared our story with all of the participants. Joshua was given a special medal from the TNT people. The host for the night was Alicia Roberts from channel 8 and the the special guest was former Olympian Brooke Bennett. She won 3 gold medals in the Atlanta and Sydney games which she brought with her and let Joshua hold! I understand they were very cool! Brooke holds the record for the 800 meter freestyle event and lives in Brandon. It was a special treat for Joshua to get to meet her.

Tomorrow is more camp and I am sure another great day of fun for both of the boys.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Way too much excitement guys!!!!! What a glorious summer you are both having - I'm so happy for both of you. Can hardly wait to hear what happens today.
Love the blue arrow Mighty Warrior.
Keep kickin butt. You are my Champion.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Noo way!!! So exciting!!! Wow you boy are doing all kinds of things!! =) Jarrod that sounmds like your kind of thing. =) Robots!! You can do that all day everyday if you caould bud. =)
Joshua, wow love bug! Gold metals.... awesome dude!! You are becoming quite the celebirty. =)
I am glad you guys are having so much at camp this week!! I am so happy for you =)
Me well im not having so much fun. One of my wisdom teeth is trying hard to come in and its super painful =(
That is so cool! To be able to SEE an Olympic Gold Medal, much less touch it is an honor.
Jarrod, the camp you are attending sounds like it was tailored just for you - legos and robotics.
Love, Miss Laura & Frank
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