Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Working… Day 593 30JUN10

This morning Jarrod and I left early for work. I had to get to school for a meeting and he was going over to help my dad get ready for a dinner party he is having tomorrow night. They worked most of the day on getting the house prepared but mostly on getting all the food ready to be cooked on Thursday. Jarrod loves to work in the kitchen and he told me that they had  a lot of fun getting all the prep work completed. After dinner Jarrod came up and spent the evening with me in my class before we headed home.

 Meanwhile back at home Joshua and Renee got to spend a fun day together trying to conquer more of the LEGO Harry Potter game. I understand they had a great day and Joshua baked pretzels this evening.  The two of them  were both sound asleep when we got home tonight. So it was a busy but productive day and the boys both had a chance to do some fun and interesting things.


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

A day alone at home with Mom. Sounds like fun. You and Mom will be tough to beat after spending all that time on the Harry Potter game!

Jarrod, so happy to hear you got to spend a day in the kitchen. You are so talented in so many areas.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Ann said...

What is your Dad serving at his party??I might want to come. Always interested in a good menu. LOL!
Glad to hear that Josh is doing well, even tho he has treatment every week.