We had another great day at the beach....our last one. We once again picked up our cousins Dallas and Brent and hit the beach. Jarrod and Dallas spent most of the day playing in the waves, while Joshua and Brent headed to the house to play. The boys had another great day! Later in the evening we went to see Deidre (Dallas and Brent's mom)play softball and then we all went back to the lake house and down to the beach for s'mores. Earlier in the day Joshua had dug out a hole in the sand for the fire pit and all the boys helped collect the wood.
Tommorrow we will clean up the house and jump in the van to head home.
We will miss the beach and all of our family!
Thanks mom and dad for taking me and the boys with you this year.
We really needed the time away from our reality world of cancer.
The beach has been very theraputic for all of us!

Hey Snuggle Monkey,
So happy to hear all of you are continuing to have a good time. And sad to hear it is ending.
Load the van with Angels for the trip home.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Hi! I have been reading your blog since November and praying for Joshua. But, I was wondering if you might be able to answer a few questions for me. I have a nephew who is almost 7 and just went to the doctor, he has not been feeling well, pale and dark circles under his eyes for about 3 weeks. They took blood and they said that his white blood cells were not normal but that his red blood cells were. They mentioned leukemia, but said that they wanted to wait a few more months to see if any more symptoms develop. Knowing what you do now, what is your take on this... would you recommend that they wait or try and get a second opinon??
Please feel free (if you have time), to e-mail me back at tstaats@wildblue.net THANKS!
You boys are so goofy. =)
Yay another wonderful day at the beach sound like lots of fun!! S'mores.. yummy. I hope one of these days i get to meet the rest of the family and they get to meet our little family. =) I m glad you guys had so much fun up there and got to relax! Have a safe trip home and cant wait to see you guys on Sunday. Love you =)
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