Josh still didn't qualify for maintenance this morning.
Well, to be fair, it sort of worked; his counts have improved across the board but his ANC is still only 582 which is short of the 750 mark he needs to hit. We will eat more salmon and try again in a week or so.
This delay is kind of expected by the doctor's and is really not going to affect Josh in the long term. Right now he gets a much deserved break from chemo and gets a chance to feel good and enjoy having a good amount of energy. Needless to say Joshua was not very disappointed when he found out he would not be getting an LP today. He was also NPO and was really glad the he could go out and get something to eat instead of waiting.
It has been great watching him the last week as he has played and had a good time with his cousins. It has been difficult watching Josh not be able to act like a kid these last few months. He was always such an energetic and fearless little guy. I have had a chance to catch furtive glimpses of the old Joshua these last few days. I hope it continues.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
I'm glad you are feeling so much better. And I agree with you - it's time for a little break from the chemo. It's time to get energized, have some fun and just enjoy life for a while.
Are you excited about going to Michigan? I would imagine you are. I just wish your Dad could go with all of you and get a short reprieve from the rat race. I hope your time in Michigan is filled with fun, good food, games and more games, and just plain "chilling".
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Josh, Talking to you and your brother the other day was GREAT! I know it will be hard to get reception sometimes on the cell phone in Michigan, but I will try to call.
I'v so happy you get to go on vacation! Have a very safe trip. Lee, we're sorry you can't go this trip. It's going to be a very strange empty house, just you, Hobie and Caesar.
Renee - take lots of pictures! Love, Laura & Frank
Well at least those counts are going up love bug!!! Thats still good, they are just taking their time and as long as they are rising its a good thing. =) YAY you mommy and Jarrod are leaving tomorrow for Michigan!! I bet you guys cant wait to go play and have lots of fun! =) Im gunna miss you guys even though it is just for one week. =( ;) Then by the time you get back those counts will be higher than the sky!! Then you will really qualify and when they start to go down some after chemo, they will be so high that you will have lots of counts left over... ;) Just keep eating those "Special" foods monkey. Well see you in a week! Love you guys tons!
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