Joshua got a cool weather station today. The weather station reads the temperature, wind direction, wind speed and amount of rain fall. As you can see Joshua and Jarrod collected alot of rain in just a 10 minute down pour. Jarrod also got a science experiment activity set but we need alot of home items that we don't keep in stock at the lake house so we will have to do those when we get home. The boys continue to have fun and enjoy themselves.
hey there guys!!! WOW!! it looks like you guys are having an awesome time!! who cares if it rains right?!!!, hey now u can be the weather men with your cool weather station and rain gauge !!!! cant wait to see u guys in September at Disney, take care and god bless!! we are always thinking and praying for you!!
love, Tiffany & Preston
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Great looking weather station. Hope it keeps your and Jarrod's brilliant little minds busy for days!
I am envious of your little piece of paradise and hope you all are enjoying every second.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Dear Hobie,
I imagine you might be missing your 'person' but I bet you have found a suitable body with which to snuggle. Enjoy it big boy.
Looks cool boys, =) I like that weather experiment. That thing is pretty cool. I see you and Jarrod are getting more swimming time in up there! Hopefully when you get home the sun will be shining bright and not raining. =) I miss you guys tons and i love the pictures. Hope the weather continues to do you you want it to so that you and Jarrod can go swimming. =)
Love and See you guys soon love bug.
ps your little niece is moving like crazy and she kicked the message to me that she misses her uncles and grandmas. ; )
Cool pictures, guys! Love the weather station - now we'll want daily broadcasts on the blog (just kidding). the sun is beautiful and water looks wonderful - I know you are relaxing and hope the weather continues to do well for you.
Glad that Lee got to see Jamie and Christian (and get a meal to boot)! Love, Laura
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