Allie came to visit us today. She is really growing fast and has just managed to get cuter since the last time we saw her. Joshua and Jarrod love spending time playing and taking care of her. It is really amazing to watch our kids take care of our grand child. Jamie and Christian are doing great and are doing a great job raising up our little Allie.

After a fun filed afternoon here at home the boys took off to go and spend the night with Christian and Jamie. Joshua has been wanting to go over to their house for quite a while and he jumped at the chance. That left Renee and I with the evening all to ourselves. We went and had a nice dinner and got finished up with our Christmas shopping and then came home to watch the Lightning score a huge 6-3 win against St. Louis. Joshua's fav player Steven Stamkos had a good night with two goals. Renee is pretty sure the reason they won tonight was because Joshua wore the jersey that Steven gave him all day long. I think she may be on to something...
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Another wonderful day for you. I am so happy to hear about it. Little Allie is getting too cute for words - the reindeer hat is funny. I'm happy that you got to spend the night with Jamie and Christian. And it's a good thing you wore Steven's jersey all day - it surely brought him extra luck.
Wish you and Jarrod were here right now - we finally got a little snow last night - maybe 2-3 inches.
Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior.
Tos of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Baby Allie is growing to fast :( My baby girl is just doing so much already I can barely keep up :) gosh I can so wait for her to start crawling!! ;) But yes she is the most precious little thing in this world!!! She loves seeing her Grandma, Grandpa and Uncles!!!
You and Jarrod are amazing uncles Joshua!! You two will be great daddys one day.... But a long time from now ;).
We love having you and Jarrod over Josh! It doesn't happen often but when it does it's fun :). We have to have you guys over more often cause you two are great helpers with Allie :) love you!!
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