Today was clinic day and we got a shock. Joshua's ANC was only 320. Quite a drop from last week at over 2000. Add to this the fact that he was cold and wet most of the time at camp and in contact with tons of people we don't know and we are a little worried.
After clinic Renee, Jarrod, and Joshua went over to Grandma Gandy's to help her decorate for Christmas. I got a chance to stop by briefly on my way to work and things were looking pretty good already. When they were finished they ran a few errands and then headed home.
Our fears were apparently well founded. Renee called me this evening to let me know Josh was running a fever of 100.1 then 100.4, later 100.6... We know this routine... It was down to 100.1 when I got home so we are on hold for now. We will be checking his temp every two hours and hoping against all hope that he does not continue to climb. We need a serious internal cold front right now. What we do not need is a stay in the hospital.
It's 4 am and Joshua is sleeping in a hospital bed! The internal cold front didn't happen. We almost made it 3 months. Pray we are home for Christmas!
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
My mind keeps conjuring expletives to push through my lips. I am struggling mightily to keep these nasties out of the open air.
I am so sorry you are back in the hospital and am hoping it is chemo and not germ related. And I will certainly honor your Mom's request for prayers that you are out well before Christmas.
Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
I agree with your Nonna, Joshua, and want to kick some butt right now. I am so sorry you are in the hospital. I know you can fight this and whoop major butt! All of our prayers are with you being home for Christmas this year.
Love, Laura & Frank
Oh no!!! We're really sorry to hear you are in the hospital, Joshua. I told Hayden this morning that he should say a little prayer for you that you would get better quickly, and he said, "Okay, Mommy, but I already prayed for him last night." He was way ahead of me! So we're all praying for you and your family and hoping that you won't have to stay there too long. Think healthy thoughts, and hopefully we'll see you soon!
Scarlett Truong
NOOOOO. =( Im sorry Joshua.. =( That sucks monkey. I hope and pray that you and mommy are home before Christmas! My fingers are crossed. Keep fighting love bug you are doing a great job. =) I love you tons Joshy and when me and Alliue get rid of our little colds if you are still up there (hoping that you arent) we will come visit k. =) See you soon sweet pea K
That stupid camp.....
Allie just has a runny nose and stuff is draining in the back of her throat. But she has an appointment today so hopefully she can get some medicine. =)
I can't believe that this has happened. ANC last week - 2000 and now only 320. Hope he didn't pick something up at camp. But just think in the positive...three month at home ..that's a record!! You have my thoughts and prayers. Ann
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