Saturday, December 5, 2009

Camp didn't go as planned... Day 388 05DEC09

It is a dark dreary very cold and late night as we tramp through the darkness with the boys and all their camp stuff headed to the car. Camp didn't go as planned...

We got a call form Jarrod after dinner. It appears that kids that are fighting cancer or are siblings of those kids still feel the need to pick on other kids for no good reason, steal their belongings, etc... Jarrod and Joshua both told us that they got picked on, cussed at, and were generally way past ready to get out and come home. Some time during the day someone went into Jarrod's bag and stole his cell phone. I sent them the following text message: "The phone you are holding in your hand was stolen." Not that they will ever read it or even care but it made me smile a bit. To be fair they did have some fun times and activities during the day. Although the choices made for some of the activities by the people in charge were not the best.

Joshua was asleep before we got back to the interstate and Jarrod was unusually quiet most of the way home. Renee was really upset and so was I. We expected their first camp outing to be a happy fun time filled with good vibes and better memories. Not a place they would come home from and ask questions like, "why is it that no matter where I go people always pick on me?"

The answer to that question is deep and would require a lot more introspection than I believe most people can assimilate. Sad, very sad...

I hear a lot that children need social interaction as a part of their development. That somehow being with their peers will help them to develop into productive and well adapted members of society. Balderdash I say.

So tonight the boys are with us, safe and warm in their own beds where they belong.


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey & Jarrod,

What a total BUMMER!!!! Seems like there are ignorant nasty people everywhere. I'm so sorry you had to be in their company even for a short time.

Glad to hear you are safely home.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Laura and Frank said...

That totally SUCKS! I am so glad Joshua and Jarrod are home safe. There was an article on about how wonderful the camp was yesterday. I think someone needs to tell them the truth.

It's nice they were in their own beds. I guess we tend to forget that there are ugly people every where. I'm glad we aren't ugly and nasty like they are and always remember you learn what you live - so they must have ugly parents also. Love, Laura & Frank

Jamie(Sister) said...

Im sorry guys!!! That really does suck alot!! =(
I cant believe that people are so mean even when you are being the nicest person. Those kids just dont have anything else better to do and they are the ones with the problems not you guys! They are just jealous of such amazing boy. =) I love you tons and hope that the ones that stole your cell phone realizes how stupid they are. ;) Well we will be coming home on Monday!!! I cant wait and Allie misses all o you so much. =)