Today was kind of hectic and we were all on the move a bit. Renee and the boys spent most of the day at grandma Gandy's house helping with some projects. I was there for a bit before I had to go to work for the rest of the afternoon and evening. We all managed to come back together at home in time to watch Joshua's favorite hockey team win. Joshua had a good day and is of course talking non-stop about his upcoming party.
Tomorrow will be another busy day and Joshua has lots of things on his social calendar so he will be having fun.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Count down mode.… Day 501 30MAR10
Joshua is in count down mode. His birthday is fast approaching and he is all but counting the minutes as they tick down. Joshua did more testing today and managed to cruise through two sessions worth of math in an hour. It is great to see him functioning so well. Renee and her mom painted a bunch more glasses for the Children's Cancer Center auction and once again they turned out amazing. Those two together are a formidable force of art. The weather was quite nice today and the boys got a little swimming in over at DJ's house this afternoon. I have a feeling that is where they will slowly grow gills over the summer. Joshua was supposed to go to tutoring this evening but had a meltdown en route and Renee decided it was just better to turn around and come back home. His counts are down a bit and that may be a contributing factor. The rest of the evening was relatively quiet with the exception of the normal brotherly squabbles we are used to hearing.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Nonna.… Day 500 29MAR10

Happy Birthday Mom! I love you!
Today is also day 500! We have been at this for quite a while and unfortunately we still have far to go. It is hard to believe that so much time has passed.
Joshua went to the clinic today and his counts are still okay at a little over 1000. They have dropped a little bit and his chemo has been ramped back up to full strength so we will be very interested in how his counts are looking next week. After clinic the boys and Renee headed over to my parents house for a bit before heading home to get some school work and play time taken care of. Renee has been busy putting the finishing touches on Joshua's party preparations for his birthday this weekend. She is a fantastic party planner and I know Joshua will enjoy it a lot. The weather will, we hope, cooperate and be lovely. So far the forecast is looking good.
So as we pass by the 500 mark on our journey we say thanks to all of you who have journeyed with us so far! There is lots more road ahead and we will continue to traverse it one step at a time.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Master Fu returns!.… Day 499 28MAR10
An old friend returned for a visit and a lesson in light sabermanship… Master Fu has returned! For those of you that have been with us a long time you might remember Master Fu who visited and shared his wisdom about noodles and hammocks many months ago. We were thrilled to have him back for a little bit this evening. His wisdom and technique with the light saber were envious as was his stylish outfit.

For most of the day the boys were trapped inside owing to the inclement weather that shrouded us in rain and fiery electrical discharges. Always fun to watch the people out on the golf course try and get a few more holes in whilst the lightning touches down all around and in the pouring rain to boot. Not the most brilliant plan. The boys played on their iThings and worked in the LEGO garage and generally kept themselves occupied for most of the afternoon.

Saturday, March 27, 2010
Summer day.… Day 498 27MAR10

Joshua went to a birthday party for Mercedes who is the little sister of his friend Hayley. They had cool bouncy house so Joshua and Jarrod had a great time. Joshua banged up his ankle a little bit but he seemed fine after a little rest and some ice. We left the party and headed over to my parent's house to move a few pieces of furniture around for them and go shopping at Sam's Club for stuff for Joshua's upcoming birthday celebration. We came home after we were finished and I made a little dinner before the hockey game came on. The Lightning had a terrible game and Joshua was disappointed in their performance. Tomorrow is supposed to be a rainy day which will give us a chance to hang out as a family and get caught up on the little things around the house that we have been putting off all week.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Brothers.… Day 497 26MAR10

Thursday, March 25, 2010
Testing.… Day 496 25MAR10
Joshua had another round of Stanford testing this morning with his teacher and he did much better than last time. When his brain is not fogged out he does really well. He still has two more days to go so we are hoping that he will stay sharp and do well. The rest of the morning and early afternoon we spent assembling furniture that Renee's parents brought us from the house in Michigan. For the first time in our married lives Renee and I have a dining room table with chairs that actually match! Jarrod was big help because he was the one who took everything apart for transport. Nice to not have to figure out which screw goes where.
After a late lunch I headed over to my parents house to help them do a few things around the house and then scooted back home to cook dinner before the hockey game got going. Joshua is turning into quite the hockey fan and it is fun to watch the games with him, especially when they win:)
After a late lunch I headed over to my parents house to help them do a few things around the house and then scooted back home to cook dinner before the hockey game got going. Joshua is turning into quite the hockey fan and it is fun to watch the games with him, especially when they win:)
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Jarrod's back.… Day 495 24MAR10
Jarrod made it home this afternoon after a long and somewhat adventurous trip. Joshua was happy to see him even if he didn't "miss him". They spent most of the evening hanging out and being brothers. We were glad to have Jarrod back home, we missed him. He had a wonderful time up in Michigan even though he was doing a lot of hard work. I know he was a great help as he is around here. I only got a few stories about his trip before he went to bed but I am sure I will get lots more tomorrow after he has had a good nights rest.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Having fun.… Day 494 23MAR10
Joshua started today with his teacher coming over for school. He was taking the stanford tests that she brought to help evaluate his progress and had a little meltdown. He gets really frustrated when he can not remember stuff or cannot figure something out that eh feel he should be able to do. We managed to get him back on track without a major incident developing. As soon as he was done Preston and Hannah showed up for a play date. The weather was perfect and they got to spend some time outside playing. Tiffany and Renee were working on some more wine glasses for the Children's Cancer Center fundraiser so Joshua and Hannah jumped in to create few. The glasses turned out beautiful and I know the big girls and the kids had fun paining them.
After they left we relaxed for a little bit before taking Joshua in to town for tutoring at the Cancer Center. This is his second time at tutoring and it has been going extremely well. He got a bunch of his homework done without any problems. He is really working well with the volunteer tutors which is wonderful. He has a hard time working with us sometimes and just responds better to someone outside the family. The rest of the evening was pretty laid back with dinner and then watching the Lighting win for a change. Jarrod will be back tomorrow so Joshua's reign as only child in the house will come to an end. He has enjoyed all the extra attention but he misses his brother.

Riding High.… Day 493 22MAR10
Joshua's counts are riding the steroids wave right now, his ANC was over 4000. It will start tapering off now that he is off of the steroids. Clinic was otherwise very normal and all of his other counts are holding steady. So after our fun filled weekend it is back to boring old normal with school work and the like. We have a fun play date scheduled for tomorrow and it looks like the weather is going to be just warm enough to get the kids outside and have some fun. In the meantime boring old normal feels pretty darn good :)
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Flight Camp 2010.… Day 492 21MAR10

Friday Renee and Joshua headed over in time for dinner and got our cabin set up. We shared a cabin with Tiffany and Nate along with Preston and Miss Hannah. We also got a chance to get to know some new friends Lukasj and Ania and their son Wotjek. There are from Poland and are a part of our leukemia family. Later in the evening Joshua enjoyed a campfire and s'mores! I didn't arrive until almost midnight because of work but made it just fine. We had a cool cabin with lots of goodies to eat. The only downside was the bunk beds which has guaranteed Renee and I will be stiff for a few days. Joshua of course slept like a log.
We got up early Saturday morning and headed down for breakfast. We got lots of great walking time in and the property the camp is located on is quite nice. Properly fueled up we started the days activities with Sports and games. We had a lot of fun playing cool team games like Alaskan Baseball and a challenging obstacle course. Next we took Joshua down to go horseback riding. He was very excited about this part of the day as he has never ridden an actual horse, only ponies. He requested the biggest "real" horse that they had and climbed up like an old cowboy. He had a great time riding!

The horse's were provided by SMART ( Sarasota Manatee Association for Riding Therapy) who were kind enough to bring all their wonderful horses up for the kids. We ate lunch and then headed back to the cabin for what was supposed to be nap time out turned out to be whack sports time. The kids wanted to play basketball but we did not have a hoop. Nate found a great alternative and a new sport was invented! We call it T-Ball…

Next was arts and crafts time which Renee always enjoys. Joshua painted a beautiful birdhouse and Renee and I made door hangers for the boys rooms. When we were done being crafty we headed out for a camp wide scavenger hunt. We were part of one of six teams, we scavenged and then scavenged some more. I managed to cut my finger pretty good on a saw palm but after a little quick self first aid was back in the hunt. We turned all of our stuff in and took a break until diner. Much to our surprise we WON! We all received cool hats from Dream Oak Camps who were our hosts. We rested a bit back in our cabins and let the kids pay outside a bit before heading back down the trial for a kids carnival and a parent's meeting. Joshua won a bunch of cool prizes at the carnival but he was pretty tired when we went to pick him up. We all headed back to our cabin for the night. The adults wound up staying up pretty late talking but it was a lot of fun. We can share things about stuff most people don't understand and it is a great help.

It was a great weekend and a big thanks goes out to all the wonderful volunteers and the Children's Cancer Center who made it all happen!!
Camp is great... Day 491 20MAR10
Camp has been great and we are having tons of fun. In the
morning we will get breakfast and then pack up an head home. I will share all the details when I can use more than two fingers to type.
morning we will get breakfast and then pack up an head home. I will share all the details when I can use more than two fingers to type.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Off to camp!.… Day 490 19MAR10

Joshua got a little yard work done with DJ for our neighbors Fritz and Monica. I love the safety gear!
We are headed to camp this evening! Joshua is feeling fine and is raring to go! Renee and Joshua will head down before dinner and I will have to join them after I get out of class late tonight. We are all looking forward to a fun weekend and a chance to relax just a bit. I will be updating the blog from my phone so it will probably be a little condensed. I promise to have lots of pictures on Sunday when we get back.
We all made it to camp and are looking forward to all the activities tomorrow!
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Guess who came to visit.… Day 489 18MAR10

After the kids left we hopped in the car and headed for Tampa. We stopped in at my parents for a bit and then headed over to the Children's Cancer Center for dinner and a little fun. While the adults were hanging out upstairs the kids had a St. Patrick's treasure hunt. Joshua found a few bags of "gold" and had a great time running around and playing. We headed home in time to watch the Lightning lose to the Sabers. Joshua was upset on the way home that he had forgotten his shirt and wouldn't be helping them win. I am starting to wonder if their is something to the whole shirt thing…
Tomorrow we get ready to go to camp! The Children's Cancer Center Flight Camp to be exact. A weekend of fun and cool activities awaits and Joshua is excited about going. A bunch of his cancer buddies will be there and he will, I am sure, have a great time.
All quiet, mostly.… Day 488 17MAR10
Today was mostly a good day for Joshua. The steroids are always just under the surface waiting to help him erupt. He managed to keep it going and get some school work done and not drive Renee too crazy while I was at school this evening. Joshua had a quiet evening and other than getting an itching attack, we think from the vincristine, he was fine. We played a little Crazy Golf on the Wii and then it was off to bed.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
It's funny how things work out.… Day 487 16MAR10

Steady… Day 486 15MAR10
Joshua had clinic today and his counts are still holding steady at 1392. He also got his pentamidine treatment and started steroids… Going to be an interesting week… After clinic he and Renee went over to hang out with my mom for a bit before coming home for the day. I had to leave for work soon after they got back but Joshua was doing great and playing with DJ outside. He is thrilled that he has DJ all to himself while Jarrod is gone. Speaking of Jarrod he arrived in Port Huron this evening and we were told that there is ice on the lake all the way to Canada. I am sure he was thrilled. The rest of the evening was uneventful according to Renee and Joshua was actually doing homework when I got home tonight. So we will see how the rest of the week runs its course.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Only child… Day 485 14MAR10
Joshua gets to be an only child for the next ten days. Jarrod left this evening with Renee's parents for Port Huron Michigan. He is going to help them get their house up there cleaned out and ready for renters to move in. I can't believe he is big enough to do stuff like this, but he is. I know he will have a great time, going to the lake house is one of his favorite things to do. Joshua enjoyed having both of us all to himself tonight and I am sure that he will enjoy of all the extra time spent with us. We spent the evening relaxing and watching the Lightning play and unfortunately lose. Joshua got in a little practice during the game.
Now we just need to teach him to skate...
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Old friends… Day 484 13MAR10

Jarrod and Emily did one of their favorite activities together, bake cookies. They used to do this almost every time that Emily came to the house to visit before they moved and tonight was no exception. The two of them whipped up a batch of peanut butter cookies from scratch and filled the house with that great baking smell. Add to that the cookies were quite tasty and you have a great thing.

PJ Day… Day 483 12MAR10
Today was one of those "Wear your PJ's all day until you absolutely have to leave the house" kind of days. It was rainy and muggy and not so nice outside. So we worked on school of course, and then played some videos, and then finally realized that we all needed to get dressed. Lee took off to work and I took Joshua and Jarrod up to Eisenhower Middle School to tape a segment for the LLS Pasta 4 Pennies Campaign for the school's Morning Show. We met Ms. Shelley and Mr. Dan and did our taping session in about 15 minutes. Are we pro's or what? Joshua, of course, was spectacular yet again! But I'm just a little biased! After that, the boys and I picked up my dad to take him to Cirquesa. We received tickets from The Children's Dream Fund and we treated my dad for his birthday present. It was really fun! It was just like the old traveling circuses with the Big Top Tent except they had no circus animals like elephants and tigers. They did have these really cute dogs that made all the kids laugh! A number of our Cancer Families were there and it was nice watching all the kids laugh and smile! Thanks Kristin!!!!
Tomorrow brings more excitement, but not too much mom! My best friend Jennifer and her kids are flying in as I type. They are hopefully going to join us at the Children's Cancer Center Spring Carnival. Last I heard they weren't getting in until after 3am. I hope they will still be up for some fun. Joshua can't wait to see them again!

Thursday, March 11, 2010
Glasses… Day 482 11MAR10
The boys must have been really tired after last night, they both slept in this morning. Jarrod got up and got started on school work but Joshua was a little slower getting moving today and laid around most of the morning. He said he was just tired and by lunch time he was back to his normal energy level.
Renee's mom came over this afternoon to help her paint wine glasses for a charity fund raiser that the Children's Cancer Center is having in a month or so. Those two are art machines! Jarrod painted a few and I did a few but Renee and her mom just kept turning them out. This is the second round of glasses that they have put their creative touch on. When we take these back I am sure we will bring more home to work on. The cancer center has done so much for us and it is a great chance for us to help out and we have been having fun doing it.
Renee's mom came over this afternoon to help her paint wine glasses for a charity fund raiser that the Children's Cancer Center is having in a month or so. Those two are art machines! Jarrod painted a few and I did a few but Renee and her mom just kept turning them out. This is the second round of glasses that they have put their creative touch on. When we take these back I am sure we will bring more home to work on. The cancer center has done so much for us and it is a great chance for us to help out and we have been having fun doing it.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
and now presenting… Day 481 10MAR10
The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Boy and Girl of the Year.
Joshua was one of the guests of honor tonight as the LLS kicked off their annual fundraising event for Man and Woman of the Year. For the next 10 weeks the candidates will raise money for the LLS and the winners will be crowned Man and Woman of the Year. It was a great kick off and the candidates are really wonderful. We sat at the front of the room with Madison's family and both Renee and Madison's dad Glen got up and spoke to all the people with the kids sitting next to them on the stage. It is still a very emotional event for me to hear the stories of our kids and their fight against the cancer that has invaded their little bodies. The tears come as easily as they did those many months ago when we started this journey. I imagine it always will be that way.
The kids took pictures with the candidates, walked around the room helping to sell raffle tickets and generally were just cute and wonderful. We are thrilled that Joshua was chosen to help represent this wonderful organization and support the fund raising efforts of the candidates. I know that they will work hard to raise both funds and awareness over the next few months.
In the midst of all the noise and commotion I looked over and took this picture of Jarrod with Madison's little brother Liam. Jarrod is such a wonderful and caring guy and I for one am very proud of how he is growing up.
Joshua and Madison.

The kids took pictures with the candidates, walked around the room helping to sell raffle tickets and generally were just cute and wonderful. We are thrilled that Joshua was chosen to help represent this wonderful organization and support the fund raising efforts of the candidates. I know that they will work hard to raise both funds and awareness over the next few months.
In the midst of all the noise and commotion I looked over and took this picture of Jarrod with Madison's little brother Liam. Jarrod is such a wonderful and caring guy and I for one am very proud of how he is growing up.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Normal… Day 480 09MAR10
Joshua had one of those perfectly normal and unremarkable days today. He spent some time with his teacher this morning getting his school work going, did his homework, and played outside with his brother. Ate dinner, played on the computer a bit, watched the Lightning play, and ultimately lose, and then went to bed. A normal everyday kind of day. The kind of day we really like:)
Monday, March 8, 2010
Cruising… Day 479 08MAR10
Joshua had clinic this morning and his counts are great with his ANC at 1266, he is just cruising along. Doctor Tebbi wants to raise his chemo dosing but is going to wait until after next weekend since Joshua is supposed to be going to camp and he doesn't want him to miss out. After clinic Renee and the boy's ran a few errands and then headed over to Grandma Gandy's for the afternoon. I stopped in to visit them on my way to work and they were having a great time keeping Grandma and Grandpa Gandy entertained. We all visited for a spell and then they headed home and I left for work. So for now we are in a good place and Joshua is doing great, let's hope it continues for a good long while.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Play time… Day 478 07MAR10
The whole family took it easy today. The kids were both tired from last night and got up early to head off to church. After church Joshua and Jarrod spent some time playing with Avery and Taylor over at Renee's parents. The rest of the afternoon was pretty laid back.
Joshua helped me cook dinner and while we were waiting for things to thaw out we went outside to get a little play time in. The weather is still a little on the cool side but was very pleasant this evening. Joshua was doing great throwing the frisbee and was amazingly accurate. But he is after all an amazing little boy.
It is great to be able to take him outside and have fun working up an appetite, which he did. He ate a bigger dinner than I usual see him put down. Tomorrow is the start of a new week with clinic in the morning. Since they changed his chemo dosing I am curious where his numbers will be.
Joshua helped me cook dinner and while we were waiting for things to thaw out we went outside to get a little play time in. The weather is still a little on the cool side but was very pleasant this evening. Joshua was doing great throwing the frisbee and was amazingly accurate. But he is after all an amazing little boy.
It is great to be able to take him outside and have fun working up an appetite, which he did. He ate a bigger dinner than I usual see him put down. Tomorrow is the start of a new week with clinic in the morning. Since they changed his chemo dosing I am curious where his numbers will be.
Hockey and then some… Day 478 06MAR10

Joshua and I got to sit on the Lightning bench during their warm up time on the ice. Several of the players skated up and talked to Joshua, Steve Downie, Ryan Malone, and our Goalie Mike Smith. Downie and Malone both gave him pucks right off of the ice. Renee and Jarrod got to watch from the side of the rink where the zambonies come in. It was amazing being that close to the players especially without the glass separating us. Joshua was totally enjoying himself.
Can you tell who his favorite player is? Next Joshua and I were on TV as they talked about the LLS and the kids that they help.

After warm ups we were taken up to a luxury suite on the club level to watch the game. They had drinks and popcorn which made Jarrod very happy. The seats were great and we really enjoyed the view. The game was fantastic with lots of action and the Lighning won 6-2.

But that wasn't all.
After the game the kids got to go down and meet Vinny Lecavalier the captain of the Lighting team. He was great and signed pucks and autographs for Joshua and Madison who is the girl of the year. We were beat by the time we got home but it was well worth it.
Can you tell who his favorite player is? Next Joshua and I were on TV as they talked about the LLS and the kids that they help.

But that wasn't all.
After the game the kids got to go down and meet Vinny Lecavalier the captain of the Lighting team. He was great and signed pucks and autographs for Joshua and Madison who is the girl of the year. We were beat by the time we got home but it was well worth it.
A huge thanks to the LLS and the Tampa Bay Lightning for giving all of us especially Joshua such an unforgettable evening.
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Movie night… Day 477 05MAR10
Today it was time for Joshua to have another IVIG treatment. He got an early start with his pre-med and getting his port ready to be accessed. He spent most of the day hooked up to his little portable IV pump and once again suffered no ill effects from the treatment. That takes care of him for the next month when we get to start all over again.
Tonight Renee and the kids headed off to a movie under the stars event sponsored by the 1Voice Foundation. Joshua got a chance to hang out with Preston and Hannah and some of his other cancer friends and watch a movie outside. They didn't stay for the whole movie because it was just too cold for them but they had a great time while they were there.
Tonight Renee and the kids headed off to a movie under the stars event sponsored by the 1Voice Foundation. Joshua got a chance to hang out with Preston and Hannah and some of his other cancer friends and watch a movie outside. They didn't stay for the whole movie because it was just too cold for them but they had a great time while they were there.
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Skating… Day 476 04MAR10
Joshua had a busy day today starting with school this morning with his teacher. He was doing good on his math especially. Nice to see him improving. After hanging out at home for a bit we left later in the afternoon to go visit Emma, a new member of our family from our area, at the hospital. After that it was off to the Children's Cancer Center for an evening of ice skating outside. Well it wasn't actually ice but a cool plastic material that feels just like ice. You wear regular ice skates and skate just like you would on real ice. They had it set up out in the parking lot and the kids had a blast. It was almost cold enough for real ice and the kids all had rosy cheeks. Joshua would have skated all night if they had let him. It was a really fun and unique evening. A big thanks to the Tampa Bay Lighting!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Eyeballs are okay… Day 475 03MAR10
Joshua went to get his eyes checked today and they came back just perfect. He made need glasses later on in if but he is holding up good so far. Considering he is the only one in the family that doesn't wear glasses that was no big surprise. The rest of the day was thankfully boringly normal with school work and playtime the order of the day. We are always thankful for the average days.
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Winds of March… Day 474 02MAR10

Monday, March 1, 2010
Pasta boy… Day 473 01MAR10
Joshua started out with clinic this morning and his counts came back good with his ANC at 1500 and everything else in the green. He and Renee left the clinic and headed off to Joshua's speaking engagement for the day as the Pasta for Pennies boy. He spoke, along with his mom, at Academy Prep with Ms. Shelley from LLS and Mr. Dan from Florida Blood Services. He did a fantastic job answering questions posed by the awesome kids from the school who were really interested in what he had to say. Joshua knows that they will raise a ton of money and he will be cheering for them. After his celebrity appearance his driver whisked him back home for the rest of the day.
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