We had a fun filled day today starting with the Children's Cancer Center's Spring Carnival. The kids had a blast playing all the games and spending time in the bouncy house. We saw a bunch of our cancer friends and even a few we have not seen in quite a while. After several hours of revelry we herded the kids into the car and headed down to visit for a while with grandma and grandpa gandy. The boys got some tree climbing time in while helping grandpa pick some grapefruit. According to Joshua the sweetest fruit comes from the highest part of the tree… After our visit we headed home for a reunion with Joshua's oldest friend Larry. He is visiting for a week with his mom Jennifer, who is Renee's best friend, and her other two kids Robert and Emily. We haven't seen them in almost two years since they moved to Louisiana. The kids played their hearts out and had a lot of fun moving between activities.
Jarrod and Emily did one of their favorite activities together, bake cookies. They used to do this almost every time that Emily came to the house to visit before they moved and tonight was no exception. The two of them whipped up a batch of peanut butter cookies from scratch and filled the house with that great baking smell. Add to that the cookies were quite tasty and you have a great thing.

It was wonderful to see them all and get a chance to marvel at just how much kids can grow in a few short years.
Goofy =)
You guys look like you had a blast today!! Thats great that you had soo much fun Joshy and you got to see some old friends. =)You kids will sleep good tonight.
I know mom is excited to see Jennifer. =)
We miss you tons. Im sorry that we cant see you guys tomorrow. =( Allie misses you all very much!!
I will call mom and ask her what day this week are you all free so we can come by for awhile. =)
Jarrod i know that you and Emily made some yummy cookies. =)
You are getting so big buddy!!
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
It looks like you all are having a barrel of fun. And what cut ups you are in front of the camera.
Now I know the source of the wonderful smell that was wafting on the breeze yesterday. Cookies! Yum.
Hope you have more fun today.
Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.
tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
ps Did you get many grapefruits from the top of the tree?
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