Joshua went to a birthday party for Mercedes who is the little sister of his friend Hayley. They had cool bouncy house so Joshua and Jarrod had a great time. Joshua banged up his ankle a little bit but he seemed fine after a little rest and some ice. We left the party and headed over to my parent's house to move a few pieces of furniture around for them and go shopping at Sam's Club for stuff for Joshua's upcoming birthday celebration. We came home after we were finished and I made a little dinner before the hockey game came on. The Lightning had a terrible game and Joshua was disappointed in their performance. Tomorrow is supposed to be a rainy day which will give us a chance to hang out as a family and get caught up on the little things around the house that we have been putting off all week.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Cool shades. Where did you get those stars?
Another birthday coming up. How great is that????? I hope the celebration is over the top wonderful.
Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
It was a beautiful day outside!!! The sun was shining and a great day to get a tan. =) Allie and I sat by the pool for a little while and got well i got a tan not little Allie. =)
Thats great you and Jarrod had fun Joshua! I hope that your akel feel better in time for your birthday party. =)
Youre getting a tad old there buddy. ; ) Love you tons and see you this weekend!!
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