An old friend returned for a visit and a lesson in light sabermanship… Master Fu has returned! For those of you that have been with us a long time you might remember Master Fu who visited and shared his wisdom about noodles and hammocks many months ago. We were thrilled to have him back for a little bit this evening. His wisdom and technique with the light saber were envious as was his stylish outfit.

For most of the day the boys were trapped inside owing to the inclement weather that shrouded us in rain and fiery electrical discharges. Always fun to watch the people out on the golf course try and get a few more holes in whilst the lightning touches down all around and in the pouring rain to boot. Not the most brilliant plan. The boys played on their iThings and worked in the LEGO garage and generally kept themselves occupied for most of the afternoon.

Tomorrow is back to clinic for a finger stick and counts before beginning another week of school work and frivolity.
1 comment:
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Crazy golfers!!! What will it take - a direct hit???
I'm delighted to see Master Fu again. It would be nice if he visited more often.
I've got everything crossed for your clinic visit today.
Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
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