Tonight was quite a night. Not only did we get to go to a luau but we were attacked by pirates and Joshua was taken hostage and held for ransom by the pirates. Let me explain, Joshua was invited to attend a party help by Ani Vidal who is one of the candidates for Woman of the Year.

Madison, Girl of the Year, and her family were there to.

The party took place at a cool piece of property about 45 minutes drive north of our house. Their were ponds and streams and waterfalls. The ponds were full of beautiful koi which the kids had a great time feeding.

We had music, two campfires, lots of tiki torches and copious amounts of food and drink. They even had a cake with the kids picture on top!

Everything was going great but then all of a sudden we were invaded by pirates! With guns blazing and swords drawn they swarmed into the party and took all the children as their hostages. They clapped Joshua and Madison in irons and demanded treasure for their release. We pleaded with the crowd to pay to get our children back from the dreadful pirate swarm and pay they did. It was a great party and hopefully Ani managed to raise a bunch of money for LLS. We were thrilled that we could be a part of helping out a little bit.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
thank God the ransom was paid and you escaped those horrible pirates! Whew - I bet Mom and Dad were so relieved and probably won't let you out of their sight for forever. And I bet you were the one to rescue Madison being the Mighty Warrior you are. I'm just glad you got to eat and party a bit before the big scare.
Stay away from pirates and keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Hey there strangers. Hope all is well with you all. Looks like so much fun you were having this weekend. Wish I could see you all.....and have a syringe fight with Joshua! Rochelle
Man those pirates really look mean.... ;) I love the cake!! They did a great job with it. =)
Well i am very happy to see that the pirates didnt trade you off and Madison got home safe and sound. =)
Love you and see you soon love bug
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