Saturday, April 3, 2010

PARTY!.… Day 505 03APR10

Today was a party day! Joshua celebrated his 8th birthday and let me tell you it was one great event. Renee did a fantastic job and put a lot of hard work into making it such a fun and relaxing day. She has been working on stuff for weeks and spent most of the last few days baking and decorating. The cake was a really cool Pokemon Ball that she made from scratch. Alecia helped out a bunch during the party and she deserves a big thanks. Renee's dad lent his expert grilling skills to the cause and cooked up some great dogs and kielbasa. The kielbasa was the real deal and was provided by Ania.

Lots of Joshua's friends came over to enjoy the castle of bounce that was set up in the backyard. I got worn out just watching them jump for hours and hours. How do kids have so much energy to burn? Especially the ones who are fighting cancer. I am not going to attempt to list everyone who came because I am getting old and I don't want to forget anyone, but we had a full house. The weather was perfect and the sky stayed clear and blue all day.

All in all it was a perfect party and Joshua had a wonderful time. He of course got more LEGO's to play with and started building as son as he got home thanks to his boundless supply of energy. We adults just sat around and tried to stay moving:) He also got a really cool kite that he took out on the golf course and flew for a bit before it got dark. Tomorrow I am confident that the LEGO assembly tasks will all be completed and the boys will have fun playing. Jamie, Christian, and Allie are spending the night so we get an extra day of time hanging out with them which is great. Allie is so much fun to have around.

Jayden loved the talking card!
Three amigos.
Silly faces!!
Carly is Joshua's tennis buddy.
Joshua holding court.
What we all wanted to do after eating:)
Fingers are yummy!
Ready, set, blow it out!
The house of bounce!
Just a small fraction of the food Renee had laid out.
Happy Birthday Joshua!


Ann said...

This was so cool. Happy Birthday Josh. It looks like you had a great day!

Laura and Frank said...

Happy Birthday Joshua! It looks like you had the best 8th b'day party! The pictures are great and you are too! Of course Allie is a cutie and makes you want to just squeeze those little cheeks! Your mom does amazing parties! Happy Easter to all of you.
Love, Laura and Frank

Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,


Your Mom and friends did a fantastic job of making your party supercalifragilisticexpealidocious! (Did I spell that correctly?)

Miss Allie is getting more adorable by the day. Glad you got to spend time with them.

Have a great day building Legos Mighty Warrior. Keep kickin butt.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Jamie(Sister) said...

We had so much fun Joshua!!! You had so many friends over oh my goodness!!! You are just so popular!! :) I loved the bounce house along with little Allie.:-) I also loved all of the work mommy put into your party!! She did a great job.
Allie had so much fun with her uncles. :-)

I hope that you had fun love bug!!

XOXO Love Jamie Allie Bella Spike and Christian

Scarlett said...

Just got around to showing Hayden these pics. He was WAY impressed with the birthday cake! ;) Sorry we missed it.