Now for the rocket part. Brandon sent a present down for Joshua with Roxy. They got him a toy rocket. Okay, no big deal right. Except the rocket winds up being 7 feet tall. It is huge! So we take it up to the park and get it set up to launch. I am not really sure what is going to happen when Joshua presses the fire button so we all back up a few steps and start the countdown. He presses the button and the rocket takes off like, well like a rocket. It runs on water and compressed air and it goes up like the dickens. I was waiting for the air force to scramble fighter jets. Needless to say the boys were the hit of the park and every other kid was plainly envious of the three rocketeers. They had a blast, literally.
After our high flying fun we loaded up and headed over to Renee's parents for Easter dinner. The weather was so nice they decided to have dinner outside on their back patio. There was a wonderful breeze and the food was fantastic. I know I was stuffed and I am sure we will all sleep well tonight.

Hey Snuggle Monkey,
What a glorious day! Wish I could have been there to share with you.
The rocket is awesome. Brandon and Roxy get A+++ for their selection.
Was the cake as yummy as it looked?
Happy Lego time Mighty Warrior. Keep kickin butt
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Happy Easter!!! We had so much fun staying the night and waking up to Allie's firsT Easter! =) She did a great job holding the basket for daddy. ;) Joshua and Jarrod you guys did a good job finding all those eggs. =)
I hope that you love your gifts buddy and im sure you will have them all built in the next few days. =)
We had a great Easter with everyone and enjoyed being it very much and Miss Allie loved it as well. =) She loves spending time with her awesome Uncles and her goofy Grandma parents. ;)
I love the video of her sitting up and the rocket video! That thing is fast holy cow!!! =) Did McDill pick up on it dad.... ;)
We love you guys and thank you for making Allie's first Easter awesome.
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