Monday, August 23, 2010

Clinic and open house… Day 648 23AUG10

Joshua got up and headed off to clinic with Renee while JArrod and I got breakfast and prepared to tackle researching the Anasazi people for his history class. Renee called later to tell me that on the day before Joshua is set to start back to school his ANC is a whopping 736. Low enough by just a smidgen that he will get yet another week off of chemo. He has to hit 750 before he will get chemo again. Not exactly what we wanted to hear. If he is still low next week they are going to test him for a genetic trait that could affect his ability to metabolize the 6MP that he takes. His face is still rather irritated but seems to be doing better after Renee put some cocoa butter in it. At least he smells nice :) Before dinner we all headed up to the school to meet his new teachers and see his classroom. The teachers all seem very nice and he has a separate desk in each classroom and his own non-communal supplies. Joshua then proceeded to visit each and every teacher from his previous years at school. They were all really glad to have him back. We made it through one day of school last year so if we make it through Wednesday this time we are already ahead of the previous record. Joshua knows that he is in charge on his own health and I am sure he will take charge of taking care of himself. I meanwhile will chew on my fingernails and hope for the best…

1 comment:

Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

We will all chew on our nails. But I am glad you are going to be able to join your classmates. Let's all hope you can set a record attendance this year.

I bet you do smell good with cocoa butter on you. Good enough to eat!

Jarrod, the Anasazi are fascinating people. You should enjoy studying them.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
