Friday, August 13, 2010

Schnitzel and swimming… Day 638 13AUG10

Jarod and I left together this morning to go and meet my dad for lunch at a new German bistro he found. Jarrod had never tried German cuisine before but he found out that he is a new fan of schnitzel. The food was great and the company even better. It is really fun to have three generations sitting at a small cafe table laughing and enjoying a great meal together. I left for work stuffed and Jarrod and my dad headed home. While all this was happening Joshua was enjoying a great swim with his friend Carly. Renee said they stayed int the pool for three hours straight. Amazing that they both didn't turn into prunes.

 As I was leaving work this evening I called Renee to see if she had dropped Joshua off at my dad's house yet. Jamie was supposed to come over and get the boys so they can spend the weekend over at the kid's house. She was just about to arrive as was Jamie so we all wound up meeting over at my dad's for dinner. Allie was her ever cute self and is walking, albeit like Godzilla razing Tokyo, all over the place. She even managed to pin Joshua down while she tried to get the phone away from him.

We had a wonderful evening and then we all headed to our respective domiciles for the night. Renee and I will have a quiet house for the next day or so and I am sure the boys will wear themselves out having fun over at Jamie and Christian's.


Jamie(Sister) said...

Hahaha Yes this evening was lots of fun! Allie was still doing the Godzilla noise when we got home. :-) Grandpa taught her a new sound and she is enjoying the sound she can now make over and over again. :-)

I'm surprised that Josh and Carly didn't turn into water bugs. :-)
German food......sounds interesting to try
We love you tons and will see mom and dad on Sunday.
Have a nice quiet relaxing weekend.

XOXO Love Jamie Allie Christian Bella and Spike

Laura and Frank said...

Love it! Miss Allie is adorable and does have her Godzilla down perfect! I like how Joshua is her play toy and climbing tool. It had to be a great day for all. The boys will have a great time with their big brother and sister. Miss Allie will be entertained and Jamie and Christian will be exhausted - but they are young and can take it.

Renee and Lee, take it easy this weekend and REST! Get lots of rest Renee. Don't push yourself to do things just because the house is quiet. Love always, Laura

Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Don't worry about being beat up by a girl. It won't be too long before you will look forward to that sort of entertainment. But that's a topic for later.

Miss Allie is just amazingly cute. I love her new sound!

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
