Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Land of lost dreams again… Day 656 31AUG10

Joshua and Renee left early to head for the day hospital. He went to get prepped  and accessed for his bone marrow aspiration. Jarrod and I stayed home for a bit so Jarrod could get some school work done before we headed to the hospital as well. We arrived in time to wait for a while for his procedure to begin. Like way too many times before we watched as Joshua slipped off to the land of lost dreams with a little flutter of his eyes and a soft sigh. I don't know where he goes in his mind when he is under the influence of the"milk" as he calls it but I hope it is a happier place than the world he lives in every day. He took exactly 19.7 seconds to fall asleep, he asked us to time it, and a little over 40 minutes to wake back up. Waiting for him to come back has always been hard on me. The bone marrow aspiration went well and the sample was sent off to the lab. We will not have results until probably Thursday. He was pretty good for the rest of the day other than his hip hurting him. He spent the evening on the heating pad to help it feel better. So now we wait for results and hope for the best.


Laura and Frank said...

Josh, you are so brave and I am amazed how you handle these things. I hope your hip isn't too painful tomorrow. Know we all love you and are praying for good report on Friday. Love, Laura & Frank

Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Your bravery and stoicism keep me in awe. So much packed into such a small being.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Scarlett said...

Praying for you guys. Hope you're feeling okay today, Joshua. I'm sure it isn't much fun to have a sore hip. Maybe some extra Wii time today while you rest? ;) Take care!