Josh just can't seem to shake the cloud that has been hovering over him since he got chemo last week. He is fine for a little while and then the bottom drops out. Again today he spent the majority of his time laying down and cuddling. He doesn't want to be alone very much. He is still eating okay, I think mostly due to the steroids. His weight is holding steady, no drop from his high mark. But his energy is just not recovering. Renee and I both know his counts are still really low. He is a markedly different child when they are. Our continued hope is for no fevers or reasons to go to the hospital. We have already been at home for over a month and the lead between the current record and the previous one is stretching quickly. But these are the things you worry about when you have a cancer kid.
We go back to the clinic on Wednesday to get a CBC and check counts. In the meantime Joshua will stay on lockdown and continue resting.
I had lots of fun with you and Jarrod today monkey butt! You are such a cuddle bug and i love cuddling with you. =) By the way youve been picking up on mommy's fast clicking stills on those matching before time runs out games. =) I hope that cloud goes away soon Joshy i dont like it when that cloud comes and doesnt want to leave. I love family time.. oh and Jarrod you are good at that mirror mirror game to, you guys and those computer games. ;) Well we love you guys and see you soon.
p.s Your niece is already 1.25lbs and almost a foot long. Yep can you believe it shes got alot more growing to do in my belly. =)
Good Morning Snuggle Monkey,
I am so glad you are still home and hope you stay there. It looks like you had a really fun day with Jamie and Christian. More family to cuddle with and be with is always a good thing.
I hope the cloud that is surrounding you goes south soon. It would be nice if it never came back.
Tell Jamie she is looking absolutely spectacular!!!
Hang tough mighty warrior.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses
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