Joshua got his first round of physical therapy today. He went in this morning and learned a couple of new exercises to do at home to start strengthening his legs. The therapist gave them names that make it easy for Josh to relate to the exercises. He does guitar strings, slingshots, and push the wall. All of them are designed to help him build up the lower part of his leg and his ankles. He was very excited to show them all to me when he got home from his appointment. Renee said the therapist was great and he has hand sanitizer all over the office. My kind of people.
After I left for work Joshua talked his mom into letting him ride his scooter in the street. Renee got him all padded up and ready to go. He did really well riding and only had a couple of close calls. He rode until he tuckered himself out and then came in for a break. Then went back out and wore himself down again. Wash, rinse, repeat...
He is sleeping peacefully now having gotten to do normal little boy things again. Tomorrow he goes back for more therapy and gets to enjoy his last day before we start up the chemo train again and get rolling down the track.
Thats awesome Joshua!!!! Yay getting do some little boy things again! I bet you loved loved it Joshy. =) and i know mommy loved watching you and you did great on the scooter buddy! So dang one day at the therapist and you are already riding scooters geeze this guy must be really good! ;)I love you and we are very proud of you Joshua thats is great and hey love the padding ;) Well we will see you in a few days love bug! Keep up the awesome work.
PS you gotta show me the exercises the therapist showed you ;)
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Now you're Scooter Man!!!! How awesome. You are looking like one cool dude on that thing.
Your PT person sounds wonderful and I am so happy you've found him. Sounds like he can talk your language. Can't wait to hear the exercises from today.
Hang in there little warrior. You a doing a super fantastic job.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
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