Joshua spent the day resting, eating, and drinking water. He managed to best Renee at tennis on the wii, no big surprise there. He, however, fell to her superior checkers playing prowess. His temperature has thankfully remained in the normal range so far. Maybe, just maybe, we had seen the last of the mysterious fevers for a while. Renee said his spirits were good today other than him being really tired. Hopefully tomorrow will bring another good day of rest. He needs it...
Hey Ace!!!
You are unbeatable and I love it. Keep that tennis arm strong.
Glad to hear there are no immediate bad effects from the chemo - I will keep everything crossed that the nasty "F" word doesn't strike again.
Hang tough little warrior - you are mighty!
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Yay beating everyone at tennis again hu monkey butt. =) Thats good you got some activity in today and then crashed, thats the way to do it. =) Hope tomorrow brings a good day for you love bug. Just keep getting that rest its storing all of your energy and healing your body! Well we love you tons Joshy and we will see you on Sunday!!
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