Joshua had another in a great string of good days. He spent the morning doing school work and the afternoon playing with Jarrod and getting a little fresh air. It has been great to see him have the last week go by with just a few blips on the radar. Hopefully his weekend will be uneventful and he can continue to rest up and gain weight for the next round of chemo that is fast approaching.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
I am loving the fact that you are having a 'normal' week - no major anythings - just hanging out, doing your school work and getting outside. I hope it continues for a long time.
You look really cute in the hat. Going on safari maybe? Stalking wild ducks? Or maybe just chasing Ceasar through the grass?
Have a great weekend. Enjoy the fresh air.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
YAY Joshy another good day and im sure tomorrow will be one to. =) I love that you are having good days and that you are getting plenty of rest for the next round. From the picture it looks like the rest is doing you some good monkey butt. =) Well i hope that everything continues with good news love bug well will see you soon. Love you guys
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