Clinic days on Monday seem to be our routine so far. Clinic...Good - Hospital...Bad. I will take clinic visits over hospital visits any day! Joshua is doing great. Thanks to those "oh so wonderful" steroids, his counts are in the 2000's. Everything else is looking good as well. Joshua enjoys his clinic visits because he gets to see all of his "cancer" buddies and he also gets to hang out with the wonderful volunteers that play with the kids. It's also nice for me because while Joshua and Jarrod are off in the "art" room, I can hang out with other moms and just talk! It's good sometimes to be able to help the new moms and compare notes. Every child is so different yet they are all alike!
After clinic, we stopped by the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society to drop off Joshua's handmade Christmas Card. He was excited to see where they all hang out!
At home was another school day, followed by bike ride, dinner, a little t.v and then off to bed.....otherwise...Normal!
God, I love normal!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Worldwide corn dog shortage... Day 382 29NOV09

But like all of his food cravings this one too shall pass away and we will be left with the always challenging task of figuring out the next best thing. Meanwhile if you like corn dogs I'd be stocking up while you still can.
Jarrod and Joshua spent the morning playing with Taylor and Avery who just got back from a trip to Tennessee for Thanksgiving. I cleaned up out in the garage while Renee help down the fort inside. The steroid monster seems finally to be asleep in his cave once more. Not to be awakened until the week of Christmas. Yee Haw.
The boys took a bike ride before dinner and then we all hung out together for a while and caught up a little on the massive backlog on our DVR.
Saturday, November 28, 2009
A tree and an angel... Day 381 28NOV09
Jarrod woke up early this morning and got started putting up our Christmas tree. This is the first time he has done it all by himself and I must say that all those years as my assistant payed off. It warms my heart and freaks me out a little that he is big enough to do the job in the first place. It is both exciting and terrifying to watch your children grow up. It happens so fast.
Joshua came home a little while later and did his special job, putting the angel on the top of the tree. He had a good time spending the night out and came home refreshed and in a much better mood. We got the rest of the Christmas stuff down and Renee and the kids went to town decorating. The house looks very festive and Christmas is definitely in the air. I am hoping that this Christmas is a lot more "normal" than last year.

Joshua came home a little while later and did his special job, putting the angel on the top of the tree. He had a good time spending the night out and came home refreshed and in a much better mood. We got the rest of the Christmas stuff down and Renee and the kids went to town decorating. The house looks very festive and Christmas is definitely in the air. I am hoping that this Christmas is a lot more "normal" than last year.

Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday... Day 380 27NOV09
Joshua will thankfully finish his round of steroids this evening and begin the return to the normal loving child he usually is. Renee informed me today that we have 120 more steroid days to get through before we are done. Not sure how we are going to make it right now but we will tough it out.
Renee decided to brave the mobs and actually went shopping this morning at 3:30. She was home by 6:30 and was really happy with what she managed to get accomplished. I'm just glad she likes to do things like that instead of me :) I can guarantee that the people at the stores do not want me shopping in the middle of the night on a few hours sleep. Not pretty...
The rest of the day was moments of peace followed by NATO style peace keeping until Joshua left to go over and spend the night with Grandma and Pa. Jarrod stayed home even though he wanted to go because Josh had a meltdown over him going. He is really growing up fast and we enjoyed spending the evening with him.
Hopefully Joshua will return tomorrow a little calmer and peace can be restored. Until next month.
Renee decided to brave the mobs and actually went shopping this morning at 3:30. She was home by 6:30 and was really happy with what she managed to get accomplished. I'm just glad she likes to do things like that instead of me :) I can guarantee that the people at the stores do not want me shopping in the middle of the night on a few hours sleep. Not pretty...
The rest of the day was moments of peace followed by NATO style peace keeping until Joshua left to go over and spend the night with Grandma and Pa. Jarrod stayed home even though he wanted to go because Josh had a meltdown over him going. He is really growing up fast and we enjoyed spending the evening with him.
Hopefully Joshua will return tomorrow a little calmer and peace can be restored. Until next month.
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Thanksgiving 2009... Day 379 26NOV09

We came together today to celebrate Thanksgiving. We all met at Renee's parent's house: our family; Christian, Jamie, Allie, and of course Bella; this year we were also joined by Ahmed and Andrea who are friends of Christian and Jamie. We ate. We took a break. We ate some more. The food was wonderful and plentiful and we all got a great start on packing on that extra holiday poundage. Well actually we kind of started early but whose counting...
The kids took several boat rides because the weather stayed nice and we didn't really start to cool off until tonight. Joshua loves to drive the boat and as he comes from a long line of seafaring folk he does it not only with confidence but with style :) His favorite thing to do? Go fast.
We have so much and so many people to be thankful for this year. A great number of people have touched Joshua life and made this past year much brighter and happier than it would have been otherwise. Joshua continues to do good and we are so thankful for his progress in his treatment plan. Every day is another step closer to him being free of cancer forever and we are thankful for all of you that walk beside us.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Dreary... Day 378 25NOV09
Today was just a dreary rainy day. You know you are in for it when it is still dark at 9:00 in the morning. We have a cold front coming through and after the rain temps are supposed to drop significantly. The rain didn't really dampen Joshua's steroid outbursts much but he was pretty good most of the day. He is stuck on corn dogs this time around and is eating them almost constantly. The good thing is with all the corn dogs he doesn't need a laxative after the Vincristine :) He did start getting bone pain today which he has gotten after every Vincristine dose. It was in his shoulders this time instead of his hips.
Tomorrow we all celebrate that which we are thankful for. I wish all of you a wonderful day and a happy Thanksgiving.
We certainly have a lot to be thankful for.
Tomorrow we all celebrate that which we are thankful for. I wish all of you a wonderful day and a happy Thanksgiving.
We certainly have a lot to be thankful for.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
This is your brain... Day 377 24NOV09

When you open the door to his room ten minutes later to check on him an angry voice yells out one word...
Then in a flash the old Joshua will be back. For a little while...
Earlier in the calmer part of the day we all went to the Children's Cancer Center for a special lunch and presentation.Panera Bread doanted $100,000 to the Children’s Cancer Center of Tampa. The money was collected through the company’s Community Breadbox donation program in 24 bay-area bakery-cafes and matched by Covelli Family Limited Partnership, a franchisee of Panera Bread. Thats right a hundred grand! Wow! The food was really good and we got a chance to visit with our extended family.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Steady as she goes... Day 376 23NOV09
Joshua got up this morning and headed of to the clinic for a CBC and to get accessed. His ANC is just over 1100 which is great news, he is holding steady and the doctors seem to have found the right chemo dosing for now. While he was there he got another dose of Vincrsitine. Today is also the day he starts another round of prednisone so the evil steroid monster will be visiting for a few days just in time for Thanksgiving. I was teaching all evening but Renee said he was doing okay and hadn't had any meltdowns.
In other news Jarrod was selected as the Student of the Month by one of his teachers at the virtual school. Needless to say we were thrilled. He has done so much better since he started attending the virtual school and it has certainly made things easier on us during the crazy times.
In other news Jarrod was selected as the Student of the Month by one of his teachers at the virtual school. Needless to say we were thrilled. He has done so much better since he started attending the virtual school and it has certainly made things easier on us during the crazy times.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Run Trina Run... Day 375 22NOV09

It is in the times, like this morning, that we feel very blessed to have such wonderful Angels in our corner helping us and supporting us when we need them. THANK YOU!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Not much... Day 374 21NOV09
Not much transpired today and that is a good thing in our world. Renee did a little painting, I hung a door and put up some trim. The boys took a bike ride on the golf course by themselves. We had spaghetti for diner. Seriously folks not much happened around here today. Which is just the way we like it.
Friday, November 20, 2009
5K Race... Day 373 20NOV09
Friday and an end to the school week for Joshua and Jarrod. Jarrod was dad's helper again today as they finished off the drywall job they have been working on. His dad and I are amazed that he is as big and able as he is. It seems like yesterday he was just tagging along behind his daddy and really couldn't help that much. My how fast they grow.
Joshua received his first assignment as the 2010 Boy of the Year for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. They have asked Joshua to make a drawing for their Holiday "Christmas" Cards. Joshua has all week to make one and he is really excited about it. Joshua and the family will also be out very early this Sunday morning at a 5k Race for LLS. My childhood friend Trina and her co-worker are running the 5k in honor of Joshua and to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Trina contacted me weeks ago and told me what she was planning to do the race. When I told Joshua about it a look of astonishment came over his little face and he said "For Me?" "Yes, for you sweetie!" You could feel the warmth coming from the huge smile that came across his face! When Trina told me we really didn't have to come because it was so early, I told her that we will be there, yelling, screaming, clapping, and cheering at the top of our lungs!
Trina, you and your co-worker, are completely Awesome! Good Luck on Sunday!
Joshua received his first assignment as the 2010 Boy of the Year for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. They have asked Joshua to make a drawing for their Holiday "Christmas" Cards. Joshua has all week to make one and he is really excited about it. Joshua and the family will also be out very early this Sunday morning at a 5k Race for LLS. My childhood friend Trina and her co-worker are running the 5k in honor of Joshua and to support the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Trina contacted me weeks ago and told me what she was planning to do the race. When I told Joshua about it a look of astonishment came over his little face and he said "For Me?" "Yes, for you sweetie!" You could feel the warmth coming from the huge smile that came across his face! When Trina told me we really didn't have to come because it was so early, I told her that we will be there, yelling, screaming, clapping, and cheering at the top of our lungs!
Trina, you and your co-worker, are completely Awesome! Good Luck on Sunday!
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tree Climbing... Day 372 19NOV09
School this morning for both the boys like always. After school we headed over to my parent's house for lunch and the afternoon. They had pizza delivered for Joshua and he was very happy. During the afternoon amidst helping with yard stuff and other fun projects Joshua and Jarrod got some tree climbing in. Joshua is almost back to his old monkey like self although not quite a strong as before. He is nonetheless still totally unafraid of heights while I watch him shimmy high up into a tree. It was wonderful to see him climbing but at the same time I am crossing everything that he will not fall. It all ended well and he had a marvelous time and wore himself out. He even managed to get a nap in the car on the way home.
This evening the boys and I did a little more remodeling work next door before coming home to watch, at Joshua's request, Episode 5 of Star Wars. The boys love the fact that I know all the lines from the movie and can't figure out how. Maybe because I have seen it a zillion times and yes, I will admit to being a Star Wars geek from way back. It is fun to see them enjoy a film I enjoyed as a youngster even if Billy Dee Williams was a horrible choice for Lando Calrissian.
This evening the boys and I did a little more remodeling work next door before coming home to watch, at Joshua's request, Episode 5 of Star Wars. The boys love the fact that I know all the lines from the movie and can't figure out how. Maybe because I have seen it a zillion times and yes, I will admit to being a Star Wars geek from way back. It is fun to see them enjoy a film I enjoyed as a youngster even if Billy Dee Williams was a horrible choice for Lando Calrissian.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Bike Ride... Day 371 18NOV09
Joshua had a rather normal day today. Jamie and Allie came over to spend some time with us. Allie is so cute and is a joy to have around. She has started smiling and is getting spoiled terribly by all of us. Joshua and Jarrod both like taking care of her and are wonderful uncles.
Josh got his math homework done after they left and then he and Jarrod took a bike ride up to the park for a bit. They had a good ride and had fun playing with their friends. The rest of the evening was quiet unless you count the occasional spat between brothers. Joshua is back on a tuna salad or pizza binge, he doesn't seem to want much else right now. It will be interesting to see what he will want when he starts back on the steroids next week. Maybe we should plan on pizza for Thanksgiving...
Josh got his math homework done after they left and then he and Jarrod took a bike ride up to the park for a bit. They had a good ride and had fun playing with their friends. The rest of the evening was quiet unless you count the occasional spat between brothers. Joshua is back on a tuna salad or pizza binge, he doesn't seem to want much else right now. It will be interesting to see what he will want when he starts back on the steroids next week. Maybe we should plan on pizza for Thanksgiving...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Work then play... Day 370 17NOV09
Joshua got an early start today with his teacher who brought his report card. He did pretty good in all of his subjects. We were frankly kind of surprised considering the chemo fog and all the interruptions he has had this past year. It is a great sign that he is doing well and hopefully will continue to do so.
After school Joshua and Jarrod helped me get started on a remodeling project for our neighbors. Jarrod worked especially hard and was a great helper. He has such an eager spirit and a desire to learn new things. We managed to get a lot done today and I know I will be so sore tomorrow I may not be able to get out of the bed :) Old age and all...
While Jarrod and I were working in the afternoon Joshua's friend Hayden came over with his little brother to play for a good long while. They were having a blast playing the Wii when we got back home after we finished up. It is great to see Joshua having such a good time at home.
After dinner we read for a while and then trundled the boys off to bed for a good nights rest. We have more work to do tomorrow.
After school Joshua and Jarrod helped me get started on a remodeling project for our neighbors. Jarrod worked especially hard and was a great helper. He has such an eager spirit and a desire to learn new things. We managed to get a lot done today and I know I will be so sore tomorrow I may not be able to get out of the bed :) Old age and all...

After dinner we read for a while and then trundled the boys off to bed for a good nights rest. We have more work to do tomorrow.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Clinic... Day 369 16NOV09
We all got up early this morning to take Joshua to the clinic for counts and his breathing treatment. His counts came back pretty good with his ANC at 990 which means no adjustments this time around to his chemo dosing. The pentamidine treatment went without a hitch and we were out of the clinic by just after 11.
When we got back home Joshua and Jarrod both got going on their schoolwork. Joshua did really well working with mom today and got a lot done. His teacher is coming the morning so he had a few things to get finished. After school was done we all took it kind of easy for a bit before getting dinner under way.
Later in the evening the kids and I went on an excursion to Home Depot to get a bunch of stuff for our next door neighbors remodeling project. It sure is nice to have two great helpers when it comes to getting stuff done. Besides I need to get them started thinking about all the tools they need to buy later in life ;)

Later in the evening the kids and I went on an excursion to Home Depot to get a bunch of stuff for our next door neighbors remodeling project. It sure is nice to have two great helpers when it comes to getting stuff done. Besides I need to get them started thinking about all the tools they need to buy later in life ;)
Sunday, November 15, 2009
12 Months of Joshua... Day 368 15NOV09
To finish off our one year celebration I give you 12 months of Joshua. Each picture is one month apart from the previous.

What a journey it has been so far. Thanks to all of you who have shared our journey this past year and kept Joshua in your thoughts and prayers.

Stay tuned.
There will be more to come!
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Wow! Busy day... Day 367 14NOV09
Last year on this day we were devastated. Joshua received his diagnosis and we began our journey on the long and winding cancer road.
This year we celebrated!
Joshua requested a cake to mark his anniversary so we got him one.
The rest of the day was a blur. First we attended a luncheon held by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to kick off this years Man and Woman of the Year contest. Joshua was selected as the LLS Boy of the Year for 2010 and this was the first event he has attended. During lunch a raffle was held to raise money and two different times someone gave their prize to Joshua. The first one was from Shelley, who does the Pasta for Pennies program for LLS, who gave Josh a signed basketball from the Miami Heat. The second was from Larry and Barbara, who were sitting at our table, who gave Josh the concierge services prize that they had won. Thanks so much for your generosity!

After the Luncheon we headed off to the Children's Cancer Center Fall Festival. They were all kinds of fun things for the kids to do and we saw a bunch of our cancer family there. Joshua rode a pony, took a hay ride, bounced, and ran all over the place. Joshua twisted his ankle a little but seemed to be doing okay after a little ice and rest.

Next we went to visit with Grandma and Grandpa Gandy. We had a nice dinner and the kids got a chance to spend some time with them. Jarrod got a chance to use my dad's latest yard gadget and had a blast.
Then it was off to a galaxy far, far away...

Ok we really didn't get to go to outer space and be Jedi's or anything but the Star Wars costumes were amazing.
Actually we were at the Tampa Bay Lightning game. It was an exciting game that ended in a shoot out, a first for both Joshua and Jarrod. Unfortunately they didn't win, they got cheated out of a goal in overtime, but they played a great game. We all will be a little hoarse tomorrow for sure.
So unlike last year this year we had a great day!
This year we celebrated!
Joshua requested a cake to mark his anniversary so we got him one.

After the Luncheon we headed off to the Children's Cancer Center Fall Festival. They were all kinds of fun things for the kids to do and we saw a bunch of our cancer family there. Joshua rode a pony, took a hay ride, bounced, and ran all over the place. Joshua twisted his ankle a little but seemed to be doing okay after a little ice and rest.

Next we went to visit with Grandma and Grandpa Gandy. We had a nice dinner and the kids got a chance to spend some time with them. Jarrod got a chance to use my dad's latest yard gadget and had a blast.
Then it was off to a galaxy far, far away...

Actually we were at the Tampa Bay Lightning game. It was an exciting game that ended in a shoot out, a first for both Joshua and Jarrod. Unfortunately they didn't win, they got cheated out of a goal in overtime, but they played a great game. We all will be a little hoarse tomorrow for sure.
So unlike last year this year we had a great day!
Friday, November 13, 2009
And look at me now... Day 366 13NOV09
I was awoken this morning by a beautiful little face saying "Mommy, I'm hungry!"
I didn't want to get out of bed.
I knew what today was.
I got out of bed anyway and slowly made Joshua his breakfast. I had started my morning and I was trying really hard not to remember the events of a year ago that are permantely etched into my memory.
One year ago, I awoke way too early and drove in the darkness to the Diagnostic Center for chest x-rays and an ultrasound. I stopped at McDonalds with my son afterwards and we had pancakes for breakfast. We finally got home and I paced the floors waiting for the results of the test.
I knew something was wrong.
I could feel it in my heart.
I saw the look of the pediatrician the day before and I saw the look on the techs faces after the x-rays and ultrasound.
Mommy instinct had kicked into full gear.
These are the moments that I didn't want to re-live today.
When the phone call finally arrived at 11:20 (yes, I remember that too) The doctor informed me that my beautiful 6 year old had a large mass sitting on his chest and they believed it was Cancer. I'm not sure I breathed another breath until I hung up the phone after she told me to pack an overnight bag and stay by the phone. They were trying to make arrangements.
I walked into the house, slowly.
Looked at my husband.
Barely got the words out of my mouth.
And collapsed on the kitchen floor.
You don't forget these life changing, altering moments.
You can try but they will always be there.
Today, at 11:20 I was sitting with Jarrod doing school work and Joshua climbed into my lap and asked "What time is it?" I looked, noticing the time and said "One year ago today I was on the phone with your doctor and she was telling me you had a tumor on your chest."
Joshua responded with a huge, smile on his face
Joshua had said it all!
I didn't want to get out of bed.
I knew what today was.
I got out of bed anyway and slowly made Joshua his breakfast. I had started my morning and I was trying really hard not to remember the events of a year ago that are permantely etched into my memory.
One year ago, I awoke way too early and drove in the darkness to the Diagnostic Center for chest x-rays and an ultrasound. I stopped at McDonalds with my son afterwards and we had pancakes for breakfast. We finally got home and I paced the floors waiting for the results of the test.
I knew something was wrong.
I could feel it in my heart.
I saw the look of the pediatrician the day before and I saw the look on the techs faces after the x-rays and ultrasound.
Mommy instinct had kicked into full gear.
These are the moments that I didn't want to re-live today.
When the phone call finally arrived at 11:20 (yes, I remember that too) The doctor informed me that my beautiful 6 year old had a large mass sitting on his chest and they believed it was Cancer. I'm not sure I breathed another breath until I hung up the phone after she told me to pack an overnight bag and stay by the phone. They were trying to make arrangements.
I walked into the house, slowly.
Looked at my husband.
Barely got the words out of my mouth.
And collapsed on the kitchen floor.
You don't forget these life changing, altering moments.
You can try but they will always be there.
Today, at 11:20 I was sitting with Jarrod doing school work and Joshua climbed into my lap and asked "What time is it?" I looked, noticing the time and said "One year ago today I was on the phone with your doctor and she was telling me you had a tumor on your chest."
Joshua responded with a huge, smile on his face
Joshua had said it all!

We had no idea... Day 365 12NOV09
One year ago today we had no idea how drastically our lives were about to change over the next few days. Joshua had been fighting off what we thought was bronchitis for a week and just wasn't getting any better. Renee took him to the doctor and she was concerned that his spleen seem enlarged so she schedule him for a sonogram and an x-ray the next morning. This would be our last "normal" night at home. My mom and my brother were in from out of town and we had planned to spend the next day hanging out and visiting. My memory of that night has been clouded by all the days that have followed. We were a little worried about Joshua but felt sure it was nothing, we have never been so wrong.
Today thankfully was like most other days lately. Joshua got up and took a bike ride with Renee and then played while Jarrod was in school. He ran up to the grocery store with me to get a few things and get out of the house for a bit. He has been feeling a little blah the last day or so but seemed a little better this afternoon.
This evening we were off to the Children's Cancer Center to be a part of a parents focus group for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It included a nice diner and a chance for the kids to play while we talked. I know the kids played hard because they were both tired out. We all sat on the couch and read a little bit from the new book we started before they dragged themselves off to bed.
Today thankfully was like most other days lately. Joshua got up and took a bike ride with Renee and then played while Jarrod was in school. He ran up to the grocery store with me to get a few things and get out of the house for a bit. He has been feeling a little blah the last day or so but seemed a little better this afternoon.
This evening we were off to the Children's Cancer Center to be a part of a parents focus group for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. It included a nice diner and a chance for the kids to play while we talked. I know the kids played hard because they were both tired out. We all sat on the couch and read a little bit from the new book we started before they dragged themselves off to bed.
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Heroes... Day 364 11NOV09
Joshua had visitors again today. Cameron and Jayden came over to spend the day with the boys and have a little fun. The boys all had a great time and were playing happily when I left to go teach. Renee informs me that they continued to have a good time later as well. Renee has decided that the boys need to start their own band. Maybe that will help to pay off some of these hospital bills!
This evening Renee and the boys went to St. Joseph's Children's Hospital for the Kids Are Heroes program. Joshua and Jarrod were both asked to be judges in this years competition to find the best kid heroes in the Tampa Bay area. Joshua ran into his favorite hockey player Steven Stamkos and got him to sign his shirt among other things. We will be cheering for Steven and his teammates at the game on Saturday thanks to his generosity.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Lizards and a friend... Day 363 10NOV09
Joshua started off early today with a visit from his teacher and lots of schoolwork. He did pretty well although Mom had to coax him pretty hard to get his homework done.
The tooth fairy did in fact come flitting through late last night and once again agreed to trade Joshua's discarded tooth for more worldly currency. He was thrilled and quickly added the spoils to his ever growing coffers.
After I left for work Joshua had a play date with his friend Hayden. From what I hear they ran around outside and carefully stalked a bunch of wild and ferocious lizards. The hunt was very rewarding and several large and fearsome lizards were taken into captivity, moved to a new location, and released. I am glad he had a good play day, he has far to few.
The tooth fairy did in fact come flitting through late last night and once again agreed to trade Joshua's discarded tooth for more worldly currency. He was thrilled and quickly added the spoils to his ever growing coffers.
After I left for work Joshua had a play date with his friend Hayden. From what I hear they ran around outside and carefully stalked a bunch of wild and ferocious lizards. The hunt was very rewarding and several large and fearsome lizards were taken into captivity, moved to a new location, and released. I am glad he had a good play day, he has far to few.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Teeth and Cookies... Day 362 09NOV09
Joshua had clinic this morning to get his counts checked. His ANC has slipped to 752 but everything else is doing good. Hopefully it will not slip down like it usually does in response to increased doses of methotrexate. He felt good throughout the day so we are keeping our fingers crossed.
After a day of playing and doing little boy things Joshua decided he wanted to cook dinner for all of us. Off to the kitchen he went to get suited up and start making dinner. He prepared tuna salad and it was quite delicious. After dinner he baked cookies with Jarrod. He did all the work under Jarrod's watchful eye and produced a mountain of oatmeal scotchies! They were wonderful, there are even a few left;)

We cuddled up on the couch after feasting on cookies and finished the book we have been reading. In the middle of a chapter Joshua's second tooth came out! He was thrilled and immediately got out his pillow to prepare the trade for the Tooth Fairy. I am pretty sure I heard her zip through the house just moments ago. Wonder what she left this time?
After a day of playing and doing little boy things Joshua decided he wanted to cook dinner for all of us. Off to the kitchen he went to get suited up and start making dinner. He prepared tuna salad and it was quite delicious. After dinner he baked cookies with Jarrod. He did all the work under Jarrod's watchful eye and produced a mountain of oatmeal scotchies! They were wonderful, there are even a few left;)

Sunday, November 8, 2009
Play day... Day 361 08NOV09
Joshua had a play day today. After church this morning he went over to spend the day with Grandma, Pa, Avery, and Taylor. They had a bunch of fun and both the boys came home at dinner time rather tuckered out. The weather stayed nice today but it got a bit breezy with some pretty strong gusts. Something knocked the power out in our entire area for almost an hour this afternoon while the kids were gone. Not sure if it was related to the wind or not. We were just glad they got it fixed. All in all another relatively normal day. Josh was feeling a little down and blah this evening, not sure why. He will go to the clinic in the morning and get his counts checked so if he is slipping we will at least know. Let's hope not.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Soccer... Day 360 07NOV09
We got up early this morning and headed off to meet the kids at Taylor's final soccer game of the season. He played very well and did a great job of protecting his goal. The kids had a great time last night as expected. They were also pretty tired today, as expected. So we all took it kind of easy today. Not hard considering what a lovely day it was outside. I put up the hammock for Renee, Jarrod and Josh played in the sandbox, I worked for a while and then took the rest of the day off.
Joshua received a nice box of stuff from the Cool Kids Campaign including a button that reads "Cancer Fears Me!" He proudly wore it when we went up to fetch groceries this afternoon. He was a little unsure that cancer actually feared him but I told him that it definitely did, that is was terrified of him and would stay away from his body. He told me several times on the way home, "You know what dad?" "What?" I would reply. "Cancer fears me." "Yes love it does...".
Joshua kept going right up until he crashed right about 7:30 this evening. I was watching a show with Jarrod and Joshua came up and laid in my lap and promptly fell fast asleep. He woke up when we were getting him ready for bed and made me promise to double up on reading tomorrow since we didn't get to read today. I gladly agreed. So all in all we didn't get a whole lot accomplished today other than get a little needed rest in.
Joshua received a nice box of stuff from the Cool Kids Campaign including a button that reads "Cancer Fears Me!" He proudly wore it when we went up to fetch groceries this afternoon. He was a little unsure that cancer actually feared him but I told him that it definitely did, that is was terrified of him and would stay away from his body. He told me several times on the way home, "You know what dad?" "What?" I would reply. "Cancer fears me." "Yes love it does...".
Joshua kept going right up until he crashed right about 7:30 this evening. I was watching a show with Jarrod and Joshua came up and laid in my lap and promptly fell fast asleep. He woke up when we were getting him ready for bed and made me promise to double up on reading tomorrow since we didn't get to read today. I gladly agreed. So all in all we didn't get a whole lot accomplished today other than get a little needed rest in.
Cousins... Day 359 06NOV09
Joshua and Jarrod did their school work this morning and got ready for spending the night with Avery and Taylor. Joshua has been wanting to stay over at their house for months and one thing or another always came up and it had to be postponed. Not so this evening. I am sure they are having tons of fun and will have lots of great stories to tell tomorrow when we pick them up. Until then we will just have to guess at all the fun they are having.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
IVIG #3... Day 358 05NOV09
Joshua had another IVIG transfusion today. He got started at 8:30 and was done by just after 2 this afternoon. He played on the couch and we read to pass away the time. He did great with no side effects or allergic reactions. After e was de-accessed he and Jarrod played outside for a while. It has been ages since they have been able to go outside and get some playtime in. It has either been too hot or Joshua has not felt up to it. Today was another beautiful fall day, why can't it be like this all the time? Because we live in Florida, that's why;)
The Tooth Fairy did in fact come and visit last night and Joshua was pleased to announce that he had successfully traded his used tooth for three dollars US. Talk about inflation:)
This evening we were off to the Children's Cancer Center for our first Thanksgiving dinner of November. I consider it a warm up diner for the real one coming up in a few weeks. The food was great and the kids had a good time playing with the other children. We enjoyed spending time with our extended family and catching up on what has been happening with everyone.
When we got home the boys wanted to hear a few more chapters from our current book so I read to them for a little while and then it was off to bed.
The Tooth Fairy did in fact come and visit last night and Joshua was pleased to announce that he had successfully traded his used tooth for three dollars US. Talk about inflation:)
This evening we were off to the Children's Cancer Center for our first Thanksgiving dinner of November. I consider it a warm up diner for the real one coming up in a few weeks. The food was great and the kids had a good time playing with the other children. We enjoyed spending time with our extended family and catching up on what has been happening with everyone.
When we got home the boys wanted to hear a few more chapters from our current book so I read to them for a little while and then it was off to bed.
IVIG #3... Day 358 05NOV09
Joshua had another IVIG transfusion today. He got started at 8:30 and was done by just after 2 this afternoon. He played on the couch and we read to pass away the time. He did great with no side effects or allergic reactions. After e was de-accessed he and Jarrod played outside for a while. It has been ages since they have been able to go outside and get some playtime in. It has either been too hot or Joshua has not felt up to it. Today was another beautiful fall day, why can't it be like this all the time? Because we live in Florida, that's why;)
The Tooth Fairy did in fact come and visit last night and Joshua was pleased to announce that he had successfully traded his used tooth for three dollars US. Talk about inflation:)
This evening we were off to the Children's Cancer Center for our first Thanksgiving dinner of November. I consider it a warm up diner for the real one coming up in a few weeks. The food was great and the kids had a good time playing with the other children. We enjoyed spending time with our extended family and catching up on what has been happening with everyone.
When we got home the boys wanted to hear a few more chapters from our current book so I read to them for a little while and then it was off to bed.
The Tooth Fairy did in fact come and visit last night and Joshua was pleased to announce that he had successfully traded his used tooth for three dollars US. Talk about inflation:)
This evening we were off to the Children's Cancer Center for our first Thanksgiving dinner of November. I consider it a warm up diner for the real one coming up in a few weeks. The food was great and the kids had a good time playing with the other children. We enjoyed spending time with our extended family and catching up on what has been happening with everyone.
When we got home the boys wanted to hear a few more chapters from our current book so I read to them for a little while and then it was off to bed.
Paging the Tooth Fairy... Day 357 04NOV09
Joshua lost a tooth this evening! It has been loose for a while and decided finally, with a little help from mom, to come out.

So tonight the Tooth Fairy will swoop in and pay him a visit. He went to sleep with his tooth in his special pillow that Renee's mom made for him under his head. Magically the tooth inside will transform into a monetary replacement in the middle of the night. So the great tooth trading business goes on for another generation. May it always continue ;)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009
He's got the beat... Day 356 03NOV09
Today was another nice weather day. Not too hot and a nice breeze. The kids and Renee took advantage of it this morning and got a bike ride and walk in. I was working on the dryer which has decided that machines in fact do fail in groups of three and has started to be a little fritzy. Before I left for work this afternoon Joshua came in and wanted to make a little music. I took a short video of him composing his latest masterpiece.
I love how he bounces to the beat, it brings an instant smile to my face.
The rest of the evening was uneventful and the kids did what they do. All of this uneventful time has been great but kind of scares me at the same time. I guess this is our current "normal" so we will take it. It would be nice if it would just stay like this for a while. Here's hoping...
I love how he bounces to the beat, it brings an instant smile to my face.
The rest of the evening was uneventful and the kids did what they do. All of this uneventful time has been great but kind of scares me at the same time. I guess this is our current "normal" so we will take it. It would be nice if it would just stay like this for a while. Here's hoping...
Monday, November 2, 2009
Clinic and treat... Day 355 02NOV09
Joshua got up this morning and headed off to the clinic for his CBC. He also took a bunch of his and Jarrod's candy to give to kids that were stuck in the hospital for Halloween. Like his friend Preston who thankfully managed to escape later today after his LP. Both Joshua and Jarrod wanted to share their candy without a second thought. This past year has certainly changed their priorities as well.
Joshua's counts are excellent, so good in fact that they are adjusting his meds again. Can't stay high for too long... We are grateful for the time we have had with him feeling pretty good and his counts staying high.
The afternoon was spent doing housework and homework. I had some more work to do on my car but I think we have got it fixed completely. Before dinner Joshua asked me if I would put up the hammock for him which I gladly did. He and Jarrod laid in the hammock while I sat on the deck and read the rest of the book we started last night to them. They certainly have the life don't they. I wish every day were like that.
After dinner Jarrod and I resumed sorting LEGO's which is our long term mission to get his collection organized by individual part. Man do they have a lot of LEGO's ...
The boys and I started a new book tonight and we are once more on a new journey.
Joshua's counts are excellent, so good in fact that they are adjusting his meds again. Can't stay high for too long... We are grateful for the time we have had with him feeling pretty good and his counts staying high.
The afternoon was spent doing housework and homework. I had some more work to do on my car but I think we have got it fixed completely. Before dinner Joshua asked me if I would put up the hammock for him which I gladly did. He and Jarrod laid in the hammock while I sat on the deck and read the rest of the book we started last night to them. They certainly have the life don't they. I wish every day were like that.
After dinner Jarrod and I resumed sorting LEGO's which is our long term mission to get his collection organized by individual part. Man do they have a lot of LEGO's ...
The boys and I started a new book tonight and we are once more on a new journey.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Time change... Day 354 01NOV09
Well we fell back this morning. The time change in the fall is my favorite. It gets dark earlier and it is a clear signal that the weather will start cooling down a bit. This morning the kids went to play with Taylor and Avery after they got back form church and it was the perfect chance for me to break the hammock out of storage and officially open the fall hammock season. I am afraid is has been quite neglected this summer. It has just been too hot.
This afternoon Jarrod and Renee were really feeing tired so they both laid down for a nap. Joshua and I went grocery shopping and spent the afternoon hanging out together. We had a fun time. It is great to be able to spend a relaxing afternoon with ones children.
After our customary Sunday night dinner of sushi and other delicacies we started reading. I have been reading to Joshua each evening that I am home and he has become hopelessly hooked on the books we have been perusing. Jarrod also got reeled in a few nights ago and he has been joining us for story time. It is amazing how powerful the written word can be. It has the power to captivate one's mind and hold it spellbound page after page. No buttons, no electricity or batteries needed. Time flows by with nary a notice as imaginations build wonderful worlds and delightful characters. It is my great pleasure to share this with the boys.
Tomorrow is clinic in the morning followed by school. Just another normal Monday...
This afternoon Jarrod and Renee were really feeing tired so they both laid down for a nap. Joshua and I went grocery shopping and spent the afternoon hanging out together. We had a fun time. It is great to be able to spend a relaxing afternoon with ones children.
After our customary Sunday night dinner of sushi and other delicacies we started reading. I have been reading to Joshua each evening that I am home and he has become hopelessly hooked on the books we have been perusing. Jarrod also got reeled in a few nights ago and he has been joining us for story time. It is amazing how powerful the written word can be. It has the power to captivate one's mind and hold it spellbound page after page. No buttons, no electricity or batteries needed. Time flows by with nary a notice as imaginations build wonderful worlds and delightful characters. It is my great pleasure to share this with the boys.
Tomorrow is clinic in the morning followed by school. Just another normal Monday...
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