Saturday, November 28, 2009

A tree and an angel... Day 381 28NOV09

Jarrod woke up early this morning and got started putting up our Christmas tree. This is the first time he has done it all by himself and I must say that all those years as my assistant payed off. It warms my heart and freaks me out a little that he is big enough to do the job in the first place. It is both exciting and terrifying to watch your children grow up. It happens so fast.

Joshua came home a little while later and did his special job, putting the angel on the top of the tree. He had a good time spending the night out and came home refreshed and in a much better mood. We got the rest of the Christmas stuff down and Renee and the kids went to town decorating. The house looks very festive and Christmas is definitely in the air. I am hoping that this Christmas is a lot more "normal" than last year.


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

You do a SUPER job placing the Angel on the tree top! And how awesome that Jarrod put the tree up by himself! He's growing up much too quickly.

Glad to hear you had a good night 'out'.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Laura and Frank said...

What a beautiful sight, Jarrod with Joshua on his shoulders. Through the eyes of our children we remember the joys of life are so important.

Love, Laura and Frank

Jamie(Sister) said...

Wonderful!!!! Wow Jarrod you really growing way to fast bud ;) Soon you're going to be as tall as the tree!! I remeber when I use to be apart of the decorating team..:) But now I have my own family and we have our tree to decorate.. :) wow I'm still getting use to saying "my family" :)
Your guys are awesome with Christmas decorations!!! I love the tree and the angel. We have to get one.
Allie is getting so big right before my eyes and I just want to stop time from going by to fast an love this time that she is all mine and my cuddle bug :) it makes me sad