We all got up early this morning to take Joshua to the clinic for counts and his breathing treatment. His counts came back pretty good with his ANC at 990 which means no adjustments this time around to his chemo dosing. The pentamidine treatment went without a hitch and we were out of the clinic by just after 11.

When we got back home Joshua and Jarrod both got going on their schoolwork. Joshua did really well working with mom today and got a lot done. His teacher is coming the morning so he had a few things to get finished. After school was done we all took it kind of easy for a bit before getting dinner under way.
Later in the evening the kids and I went on an excursion to Home Depot to get a bunch of stuff for our next door neighbors remodeling project. It sure is nice to have two great helpers when it comes to getting stuff done. Besides I need to get them started thinking about all the tools they need to buy later in life ;)
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Glad to hear your counts are holding. Let's hope they stay that way.
Tools Rule! Enjoy your educational jaunt into the world of gadgets. You can never have too many.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Whoo hoo!!! Your counts are nice and high and you are doing great!! Joshua i am so so proud of you for being such an amazing little warrior!! You are growing up so fast and this cancer is not stoping you from loving life monkey butt. =)
Getting your school work done is always good and you are having so many awesome days at home.. I bet mommy and daddy love every minute of you being home. =)
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