When you open the door to his room ten minutes later to check on him an angry voice yells out one word...
Then in a flash the old Joshua will be back. For a little while...
Earlier in the calmer part of the day we all went to the Children's Cancer Center for a special lunch and presentation.Panera Bread doanted $100,000 to the Children’s Cancer Center of Tampa. The money was collected through the company’s Community Breadbox donation program in 24 bay-area bakery-cafes and matched by Covelli Family Limited Partnership, a franchisee of Panera Bread. Thats right a hundred grand! Wow! The food was really good and we got a chance to visit with our extended family.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Can't imagine what it's like to be inside your body with the steroids raging - it can hardly be enjoyable. I hope it passes very quickly.
A hundred thousand thanks to the Covelli family's incredible spirit of giving. What wonderful people.
Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior - give it some of that steroid rage.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
I am wishing the Gandy family a very happy and family comforting type of day on Thanksgiving.You have lots to be thankful for this year.
UH OH.=( Those darn steriods... Im sorry Joshua that the steriods are making the mean Joshy come out. =( I hope that on thatnks giving the mean Joshua stays hidden for awhile so that you can enjoy your big appetite you are going to have. ;) Thats awesome a hundred grand!! wow That will help alot of kids out. =)
I love you love bug and cant wait to see everyone on Thursday and it will be Allies second holiday and first Thanksgiving! =) But she wont beable to eat any of the food until next year. ;)
See you guys soon!! =)
PS Allie is smiling even more since the last time you saw her and shes making more noises.. =) I think she is doing a little giggle when she smiles so big sometimes. =)
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