We came together today to celebrate Thanksgiving. We all met at Renee's parent's house: our family; Christian, Jamie, Allie, and of course Bella; this year we were also joined by Ahmed and Andrea who are friends of Christian and Jamie. We ate. We took a break. We ate some more. The food was wonderful and plentiful and we all got a great start on packing on that extra holiday poundage. Well actually we kind of started early but whose counting...
The kids took several boat rides because the weather stayed nice and we didn't really start to cool off until tonight. Joshua loves to drive the boat and as he comes from a long line of seafaring folk he does it not only with confidence but with style :) His favorite thing to do? Go fast.
We have so much and so many people to be thankful for this year. A great number of people have touched Joshua life and made this past year much brighter and happier than it would have been otherwise. Joshua continues to do good and we are so thankful for his progress in his treatment plan. Every day is another step closer to him being free of cancer forever and we are thankful for all of you that walk beside us.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
You're handling that boat like you were born in one! And is there any other speed other than fast?
So happy you had a great Thanksgiving.
Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Turkey time! I loved that yummy food and we had so much fun with everyone!! It was Allies first Thanksgiving but next year she will actually get to eat some of the food!! =) whoo hoo
You are a great boat driver Joshua! Man it was pretty cold out on that boat. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! Love you tons!
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