Joshua had a play date this morning at the park with Cameron and Jayden. While he was at the park Jarrod and D.J. went over to Pa's for a boat ride. Both sets of kids had a great time. Allie came over after lunch with Jamie and Christian to spend the night with Grand ma and Grand pa (yes that's us) so her parents could have a nice night out together. She is terribly cute and we had a lot of fun with her this evening. Just a few more months and I can start feeding her M&M's ;)
Jarrod crashed about 10:30 but Joshua hung in until the ball dropped. We want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!
For us we hope that 2010 is a year of better times for Joshua and all of our other cancer kids.
Hey Snuggle Monkey and entire Gandy Gang,
HAPPY NEW YEAR. May 2010 be the year Cancer disappears from the face of the Earth.
Glad Jarrod made it until Midnight. He's such a trooper.
And Snuggle Monkey, it's no big deal you crashed early 'cause now you can get up early and wake everybody!
Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
I can't believe I made it the whole night with out my Allie! Yes me and Christian cried a little when we left and when we got home we didn't hear her music box going off to put her asleep. :) lol it was different for us but we needed it :)
Allie loved spending all of that time with her favorite grandma and grandpa. :) Thank you again!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!! May this year bring lots of good times and Joshua being home as much as possible :)
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