Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Still cold... Day 418 04JAN10

Joshua started off the day by going to the clinic to get his counts checked. I am happy to report that his ANC has stayed up at 1410 and his platelets are at 295. Looks like they have got his chemo pretty much dialed in for now.

Funny how numbers are so important to a cancer family, we think about them all the time. When Joshua fell on his bike last week the first thought in our heads was "what are his platelets, his ANC?" Not the stuff most people ever even consider.

The rest of the day the boys and Renee spent at home and I had to go back to work today. The boys did their school work and then played around the house for the afternoon and evening. Just another, thankfully, normal day. Unless you count the very brisk cold temperatures... I know we Floridian's have a fixation on the temperature when it gets cool down here. What can I say.. its rare and we don't like it because after all, that is why everyone comes to Florida in the first place. And to top it all off, my toes get cold in my flip flops ;)


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Great news about your counts! Keep it going. I'm still delighted to hear the routine normal news.

Keep kickin butt Might Warrior.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


ps Tell your Dad to wear socks with his flip flops - that should keep his toes snuggy.

Ann said...

Yeah, you can buy the socks that look like gloves, there are places for each little toe to go into!LOL!!
So glad that his counts are still UP.

Jamie(Sister) said...

Wow Joshua your counts are still in highs hu!! Thats great buddy i am so proud of you. =)