The real answer is because Joshua has cancer and he is going through chemotherapy.
Some of Joshua’s closest friends had cancer or still have cancer. They are just as strong, brave, and wonderful.
They are Cancer Kids!
There are other wonderful and amazing kids out there too. Kids that are once in a lifetime heroes and kids that are everyday heroes. Sometimes you focus so much on the ones that need that extra special care that you forget the others.
Today, Lee and I sat down with Joshua and told him about another amazing and wonderful young man named George. George had a class project to create a business plan from beginning to end and send the money that he raised to a charity. His charity or cause was the Joshua E. Gandy Trust Fund. He sold Greek pastries outside of his grandfather’s store over the holidays and raised quite a few dollars for Joshua’s Trust Fund. Quite a few!

He is simply amazing.
George, Joshua and the family thank you from the bottom of our hearts. You are a remarkable young man and you will grow into a very caring and generous adult. I know your parents and family are very proud of you! I know we are!
Did I mention that George is just about a year or two older than Joshua?
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Awesome, Mighty Warrior - you have inspired another to reach out and give of themselves and their talents! What wonderful plans God has for you.
George will, for the rest of his life, celebrate in his heart his willingness to 'listen and say yes'. Think Nonna might just shed a few happy tears today.
Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Totally awesome! and what Nona said. I sincerely agree.Kids reaching out to help kids, what a awesome thought. Another hint that I used to use was Vicks. When things would smell funny, I would put some in my nostrils. Its funny what you remember from 9 years ago. LOL.
WOW!! That gave me goose bumps.
That is an amazingly big hearted boy!!! George you are just... wow!!!
An eight or nine year old boy doing something like this is just absolutely wonderful!!! George you inspire so many people even grown ups. =) Soo many poeple love and care about you Joshua, even the ones that barely know you. =)
Josh you are just making people do the greatest things. =)
What wonderful news! Joshua you have touched so many lives and it's amazing the responses you get grom people when they find out a friend of yours is fighting cancer and the impact it has on others.
George you are a very special person and I love your smile! The ability to take something you know and make it a wonderful gift of sharing with a cancer family is the strength of character we all want to see in our young people. I know your family is proud of you and want you to know that your compassion and empathy will be with you all your life. Thank you for caring and sharing with Joshua and his family.
Love, Laura & Frank
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