The rest of the day he played with his brother and his new LEGO creations. Speaking of LEGO, at the press conference to day about the new Florida LEGOLAND they announced the opening date was set for the end of 2011. This happens to coincide, we believe this is not by chance, with Joshua's end of treatment. He has already decided that he wants to celebrate his end of chemo at LEGOLAND Florida and that a lifetime membership will be an absolute requirement for Jarrod and himself. We may even be forced to move closer... I wonder if we could buy a lot inside the park itself? Have to check on that...
This evening we all had a treat! The Children's Cancer Center hosted their annual Parent's and Kid's Night out. The kids were treated to dinner, a trip to build-a-bear to create their own stuffed friend, and ice cream afterward. The parents were treated to a wonderful diner and a chance to hang out with people their own age for a change. It is always great to spend time with our extended family and to see all of the other cancer kids having a great time. Joshua had a minor/major meltdown which caused Renee to miss the actual dinner part but that is life with a kid on prednisone... Even with the meltdown, or the incident as we are referring to it now ;) , we all managed to have a fun time. Joshua wanted to share a few pictures of his creation from this evening. I don't think we have an official name just yet. Stay tuned...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,
Looks like a Snuggie Bear to me
Hoooooooweeeeeeeeeee! A new LegoLand to be opened just when your treatments end. I'd have to say that it's meant just for you. And you and Jarrod certainly should get lifetime memberships. Sounds like a cause for all of us to come to Florida and celebrate big time next year. I'll start saving my pennies.
I'm delighted to hear the chemo fog has lifted and hope, if it has to return again, that it leaves quickly.
Hope your Dad save some dinner for Mom.
Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You're doing fantastic.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Ok - we've decided that when they build LEGOland Florida that you and Jarrod need to see about a apprenticeship as builders. Contact your master builder buddy from the trip to California and see if he's going to be here. that would be so totally awesome Dudes!
Love you, Laura and Frank
Awesome!! I know you guys were super duper excited to hear that they are going to build a LEGOLAND here in Florida!!!! =) I know Christian was when he called and told me the exciting news. =) Cant wait!!!
Wow a fun dinner for the whole family!! And you got to build you own bear. I must say that you did a great job at building him Joshua.
You are doing great with everything Joshua, Love you tons and keep it up!
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