Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A little rough… Day 907 10MAY11

Joshua's started out the day a little rough, he was having a full on chemo episode. He stood in the kitchen for almost twenty minutes trying to decide what he wanted to eat for breakfast and finally gave up for a bit. His brain came back online after a little while and we not only got some breakfast in him but also got some of his school work done. Renee was gone this morning so it was just me and the boys for a change. Jarrod did great working by himself studying for his upcoming exams in school. After a break for lunch Miss Angela arrived to do school with Joshua, she arrived a few minutes after he had a pretty rough meltdown because Renee wasn't back home yet. We managed to talk him out of it and got him going again by having him show his new hockey gear to Miss Angela. After that he did really good and got through school without any more issues. Renee arrived home shortly after school was finished and we all settled in for the rest of the day. Joshua got some practice in front of the door blocking some shots from me while Jarrod finished his school stuff. After diner we watched the Mighty Ducks which the boys had never seen, they both really liked it a lot. I had forgotten what a good and funny movie it was. Tomorrow will be a better day for Joshua I hope and he can get some time in on school work with Renee at home. There are only a few weeks left before they are both finished and summer break can begin.

1 comment:

Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

Sorry to hear about the rough start today. It isn't fair that chemo takes so much away from you.

Keep kickin butt Mighty Warrior. You are my Champion.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
