Joshua's ANC this morning had rocketed to 1628! The GCFS really worked quick this time around. Since he has been feeling a little better and has stayed fever free they sent him on his way. After sojourning in the hospital for the last eleven days he is finally home.
I managed to sneak a bunch of fun pictures throughout the afternoon just to share with you. Joshua and I have a great game going where he tries to get his hand up before I can snap a picture. I have had to become very crafty and rather sneaky to get any good pictures. We have a lot of laughs when he beats me 9 out of 10 times. Man he is quick for such a small little guy.

So while I write this, Joshua is not sleeping in a little hospital room halfway across the county. He is not being awoken every two hours to check his vitals and administer his meds. No, tonight my friends, he is peacefully sleeping not twenty feet from where I stand. Home and safe at last. Let's hope he stays for a while.
Glad you are home again, Joshua! You are so brave and strong. Keep up the good work!
Scarlett Truong (Hayden's mom)
To your posting Lee I will add a very loud and joyful AMEN!
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses Snuggle Monkey,
Ewww sushi!!=) YAY you and mommy went home today Joshy!! Thats great love bug!! I am so excited that you got to go home and when you got home you played some games and had a good dinner daddy cooked for you and mommy. =)We will be sure to visit you at home this weekend!! We love you tons and hope those counts continue to stay high!! =)Oh i went to the doctor today and everything is going good her heart beat is getting stronger and louder. =) He had to move it around a few times in order to find her heart. =)
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