Have you heard! Joshua is seven today!!!
Joshua had a wonderful day. It started here at home with Jamie and Christian who spent the night. Later in the morning Grandma and Grandpa Gandy came over and brought Josh some neat gifts.

After lunch we headed over to Renee's parents for the afternoon. Joshua had lots of people to hang out with. Uncle Scott and Aunt Alecia. Taylor and Avery. Sally, Cameron, and Jayden. Grandma and Pa. Jamie, Christian, and Bella.
He decided he wanted to have cake and open presents first. So we did. Renee made a really cool Star Wars cake that was delicious.
After playing for a little while we had a great early dinner. Josh was looking really worn out by then. He managed to eat a hot dog before he curled up on the sofa and took a good nap. He had more activity today than he has had in weeks. He was still a little tired after his nap but was feeling great. It was a fun afternoon for all of us and it was great to see Josh hanging out with kids his own age and having a good time. I know he really misses playing and being one of the "kids".

I took tons of pictures and have uploaded them to our flickr page. Click on this link if you want to have a look. FLICKR PICTURES
Tomorrow Joshua gets a day to rest and recuperate.

I took tons of pictures and have uploaded them to our flickr page. Click on this link if you want to have a look. FLICKR PICTURES
Tomorrow Joshua gets a day to rest and recuperate.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU JOSHUA!! We had a soo much fun dude!! I know you got lots of presents and got all the things you wanted and some extra stuff Joshy! I was very happy to wake up this morning and say happy birthday to the birthday boy of the day. =) You were up before all of us monkey butt. =) I am so so happy that you had such a great day today and so did everyone else! Today was actually one of those normal days besides me and you getting stinking tired by dinner time. =) Well Joshua Edward you are now 7 years old. You are doing a wonderful job, we love you very much and we are so proud of you love bug!! NO hitting with that lightsaber mr........! =) See you soon. Keep that spot on the couch warm for me Josh. =(
My dear Josh,
I sent you an E-card for your Birthday. Hope you enjoyed opening it. Hope the hat I crocheted for you fit.. I had Larry put it on.It fit him, but he had hair coming out of the little holes. I haven't crocheted in years.
I see you had a remarkable day, and I am so pleased that you are doing so well. Keep it up, I am rooting for you.
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