Joshua's had woken up a little earlier to go to the bathroom and Renee went out to check on him. His head was hot. She took his temperature. 101. Time to make the call. So she called and then they went. Josh is back at our other home, the TCE at St. Joseph's.
So now it is the same battery of tests yet again. Cultures, xray, etc... His counts are lower, ANC at 962, and his hemoglobin was low. He is getting an antibiotic and got a red blood transfusion this afternoon. He looked good when Jarrod and I went to hang out with him this afternoon.
This is the view from his room. He can sit in bed and watch the Medivac helicopters come in to land. It is pretty cool!

The doctors are thinking that the fevers might be from the combination of Methotrexate treatments he got on Thursday. They are going to meet and discuss the options this Tuesday. In the mean time we will continue to follow all the usual fever protocols. There is a good chance that Josh will get a day pass tomorrow to come home for Easter if his cultures are negative, the xrays are clear, and his furnace stays turned down. If for some reason he doesn't we will take Easter to him at the hospital. He got an early start today when Grandma and Grandpa Gandy came out to visit and brought some Easter gifts. They even managed to have a hunt for chocolate bunnies.

Later Joshua got a special visit from Brandon and Roxy who are down for the weekend visiting family. They came by with Jamie and spent some time with Josh. It was great to see them, we miss having them close by.

So we get to spend another holiday in the hospital. We're pretty used to it. After all we have spent almost every holiday since Joshua was diagnosed at the TCE. It is the gypsy way. At least we had nine great days at home with Josh. He ate a lot and played outside, took naps and hung out with his brother. Hopefully he will be back real soon so we can pick up where we left off.
Well I'm sorry to hear that the Easter Bunny is going to hunt for you since you won't be home. Hang in there buddy, I'm sending happy thoughts your way!!!
Ms. Lydia
HAPPY EASTER! The Easter Bunny is for sure going to find you because he is going to stop by the house and get directions from dad to go see you and mommy.. =) Hope that you get that day pass tomorrow love bug. But hey if not we will bring the fun and the egg hunts to you and mom. You are such a giggle box Joshua Oh my goodness you laugh at everything, which is a good thing. =) Cant wait to see you and the rest of the gang tomorrow. Oh yea that was awesome that we got to see a helicopter land right in front of us!! One day when your counts are high and you are doing really good we will be sure to make a date with you and mom to go see Christians work and the helicopters up close k. =) Well see you tomorrow love bug. Love you mom dad and Jarrod
Happy Easter Snaggle Snuggle Monkey,
I am hoping, with everything I have, that you get the day pass.
Have fun looking for eggs!
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
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