The rest of the day was rather normal. The kids relaxed around the house while Renee and I scuttled about doing the things adults do.
Joshua amused himself by eating cereal and watching a 3D movie.

Joshua was diagnosed with T Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia on 14NOV08. This blog is a way for Joshua to share his battle plans with all of his friends. We will try and keep it updated as much as we can. Please feel free to leave comments, pictures, etc... all of Joshua's hospital locations have internet access and he will read them as often as he can. Thank You to everyone for all of their thoughts and prayers! Keep them coming!
Hey Snugge Monkey,
Your Dad loves the glasses -- I love the new hair!!!
I'm torn between being excited you can once again be the social monkey you are (so like your Uncle Eric) and absolutely terrified about the germs you will encounter. I choose to believe that everyone, being properly warned, will keep their nasty germs to themselves. I look forward to hearing tales of your school days.
Hang tough Mighty Warrior - you are The Champion butt kicker.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
Good to see hair growing back on that naked pate! Great that he will be going back to school. Hope it works for him.
Germs - I have become a germaphobe and learned so much just from what Joshua has had to go through.
I think it would be a great idea for Jarrod's teachers to have a show & tell day and let Lee educate the students on all those nasty little buggers. (although you might get calls from parents).
I'm really glad Jarrod gets to go to school with friends again, even for only a few days a week.
The joy I feel for you all makes my heart want to burst with happiness!
WHOO HOO!! School time Joshua!! I bet you cant wait! Just gotta keep up on watching out for those yucky germs! Make sure that they dont come near you love bug. =)
Oh my gosh look at how fast your hair is growing Joshua!! I cant wait for it to get longer, well that is if you want it to. Because i heard you were wanting to keep it short. =) Either way you have HAIR!! ;) I cant believe how good your body is taking with the new meds and how amazing you are doing Joshy with everything.
Well school starts soon and make sure you have all of your school supplies and lots and lots of hand sanitizer. =) Love you and see you soon
It was great to see you, Joshua, at Open House tonight. You look great! Very handsome with that new hair coming in! And very nice to meet you, Renee. I have been talking to Hayden about germs all summer after all the hooplah with the swine flu, so hopefully he'll be a good friend to have sitting next to Joshua. Hayden is very excited to have his friend back at school. We're all looking forward to a great school year.
Scarlett Truong (Hayden's mom)
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