Thursday, August 13, 2009

Tadpole day 2... Day 274 13AUG09

Joshua spent another day playing in the pool and hanging out with his friends. We went over to the pool this afternoon with Jim, Sally, Cameron, and Jayden. It was a great afternoon. Joshua is doing okay and felling pretty energetic right now. The good days help push the bad thoughts back into the shadows, they never completely go away but it is much easier dealing with them while watching Josh swim and laugh. Lets hope more bright days are in store for him.


Nonna said...

Hey Snuggle Monkey,

So happy to hear nothing but good, happy and cheerful news. I tie my heart to the hope that it will continue until the memories of yesterdays are very faint.

Hang tough Mighty Warrior - you are The Champion butt kicker.

Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,


Jamie(Sister) said...

FUN FUN AND MORE FUN! =) Joshua you are just having tons of fun this summer. Thats great and i agree with dad, i hope there are lots more good days in store for you. =) I am so proud of you for staying so strong and fighting this to all the way. You are doing great and keep up the great work monkey butt. Love you tons and see you Saturday.