While Jamie was doing girlie things this afternoon us boys went over to check out USCG Air Station Clearwater. Christian gave Jarrod and Joshua a wonderful tour of where he works and the helicopters he works on. It is a very impressive place and both the boys had a wonderful time. We are all very proud of what he does. Afterwards we went over to Christian's place and did a little swimming in the pool, played a little Wii, and put together baby furniture. All in all a wonderful afternoon.

Jamie's baby shower went great according to several eye witnesses in attendance. She was pretty tired out when she got home but she was all smiles. We managed to get most of the spoils unpacked and put away before we all headed home.

As promised here are a few pictures of some of the boy's things from Kite Camp. They had a blast making the spatter paintings and they will be hanging on the wall in our living room for anyones perusal.

As a special treat Josh is spending the night with Jamie and Christian. Hopefully he won't beat Christian too bad on the Wii.
Hey Snuggle Monkey,
What a fabulous weekend you have all had! I just love the picture of you giving the 'thumbs up'. Wow, it looks like Christian really has a super cool place to work. And Jamie was absolutely glowing at the 'girlie' party. I can't wait to see your splatter art hanging in the living room. Tell Mom and Dad you know a good framer if they want your works of art preserved.
Have a great Sunday.
Tons of Love, Hugs and Kisses,
AWESOME!!! Il ove the cartoon drawings and the paintings!!! Looks like you guys had a blast at the Air station. You and Jarrod look like a flys head wearing christains helmet. ;)
Dont worry i do to. Joshua look how much bigger those tires are compared to you. haha =)
Man when we were outside doing the onsies at the baby shower all i could think about was the pool and how you guys were enjoying the water. But then i got inside and opened all of the gifts your niece got and ate some yummy food. Then i wasnt thinking about the pool anymore, i was so excited to come home and decorate. =)
I am glad you boys had fun with Christian yesterday. I know he was wore out when it came to bed time. =) love you tons
PS Thank you mom, Grandma and Alicia for a great baby shower!! I loved every bit of it and you guys did a great job with everything. =) Thank you again and i love you
Thank you Grandma Linda for our gift! I cant wait to get it on Monday.. =)
Love you and cant wait to see you soon.
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